SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Shock and Awe Beyond Belief!!!

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***The following contains 2 section:
   1. The What Is Going ON?! section, and
   2. The Why Is This Happening To US?! section.***

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Hey guys!

As some of you may have noticed, there were no June releases of Heroic.
In truth, this announcement is quite overdue - but such is a busy schedule.

For the time-being, Heroic is going on a mid-season hiatus (as with all of your favourite shows!).
Rest assured the series will soon return (with Avengeance - get it? No?) and blow your socks off!!!

But until then, your patience and dedication is sincerely appreciated.
Thanks, thanks, and keep on reading! (Like, other stories... just for now, of course.)

Best Regards,
The Comic-Riders_Ling Team!

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Heroic means a lot to the team here at Comic-Riders_Ling, more than we ever could have realised.

But after careful reviewing, great reader feedback, and in-depth analysis of the indespensable marketing tool that is Wattpad, it has been determined that Heroic needs some changes - ones which need to be made before it can progress further.

2a. The Initial Motivation:

So, why put it on hiatus?

Well, you see, the initial concept for Heroic was inspired by two things:
1. Hearing the amount of actors talk about recent superhero TV shows and movies, and saying "It's really different because it's not just about superheroes running around in capes, it's about real people and how they deal with real problems..." and becoming massively pissed off by such big-headed dribble.
After all, who says heroes aren't real people with real problems - even seperate from their secret identities? (Though of course, both aspects of a character are admittedly important.)


2.  A love for the Justice League, and the awesomeness that occurs when a team is formed from a group of people who, as individuals, are each a superhero in their own right (most recently seen in The Avengers film). The idea for Heroic being that the characters would start as heroes, then would be peeled away slowly like onions until there was nothing left but the raw humanity. Leaving room for all kind of emotional, physical and sexual shennigans.

But, from that starting point, and up to the current point-in-time, we've learned alot about the art-form, and about ourselves as writers and artists. To cut the crap: "It turns out people like Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man, and not vice-versa." (OR: "It's too hard, we give up."). As a result, changes have been made to the overall 'design' or structure of Heroic, based on how we believe it would best be told.

2b. The 'Avengeance' Initiative:

So, as it is, the return of Heroic will see a brand-new Issue 0 for Heroic, Volume 1!

That's right, just like all of those other great comic-book gimic's you know and love, we're doing an Issue 0!

So don't go crying! All your beloved issues are still canon (for the most part), we simply felt that while Michael Deviantis and the antics of The Undying Man are a lot of fun, they perhaps do not create an adequate level of 'pull' or 'page-turner-effect' from the reader's perspective - at least as the issues progress.

Also, given the ambitious/difficult/foolish nature of writing a novel with so many multiple narratives (Michael, Regeant, Sudden Spark, Alice, David, Jackson, etc.), characterisation is especially challenging (duhh). It is vitally important that each character's POV issue is used to give you (the reader) a quick - yet deeper - understanding of each character's personality - not to mention: a reason to give a damn! We knew this going into the project, but also knew that it would mean: changes, changes, chanes and backtracking, backtracking, tracking-back.

Hence, increased characterisation-per-issue will be a major aspect of the re-design.

2c. Ulterior Motives - The Hidden Enemy Reveals the TRUTH!

And of course, as with any dramatic announcement, there's a plot twist.

While Heroic will indeed be 'Out-of-Office' for a short time, we won't simply be camping in the backyard while the place gets fumigated.

The CR_Ling Team will soon be releasing an eagerly anticipated 'side-project'.
What it is; we cannot say, you'll just have to wait and see.
What we can say is this: 'If you liked the Prologue to Heroic, you're going to love this.'

<<< P.S. Congratulations for reading this far! Go on. Go make yourself a nice warm soy choc-latte, kick back on the couch and relax. You've earned it! >>>

Best Regards,
The Comic-Riders_Ling Team!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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The Undying Man - Heroic Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now