Chapter 54: The map's directions

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Percy's POV:

By morning, it was obvious, we were all thinking the same thing: who does the sword belong to? I could sense the tension in the air, no one acted the same, hardly any of us talked. We all tried to act oblivious to the fact that something changed amongst us. We all trusted each other before, but now, in just one night, it was all shattered.

I don't want the sword; I don't want to be the king. Me? A king? That could win the joke of the year award; if that even exists. I don't even cares who gets it, as long as me and Annabeth stay together. That's all I ever cared about and what I'll forever care about. I didn't want to put last night's dream into much thought. But I couldn't, I saw the thief, right in front of my eyes. And I still didn't know who it was. But what bugged me most was that I couldn't seem to figure out what was the meaning behind me seeing that dream? How was it going to help me? Why couldn't the dream come to any of the others? But then I remembered the fact that I didn't tell any of them about it so if they had a weird dream, they had every right not to share it.

Matthew lead us to the hotels exist, we stopped in front of it to bid our goodbyes. "Thanks Matthew, for everything." I said shaking his hand.

He smiled, he seemed in a better mood then last night's, "don't thank me kid. I was doing the right thing. Anyway I wish you all good luck," he sighed, sadness visible on his face, "luck is something you'll definitely need." I could tell none of us liked what we were hearing but he was stating the truth, the gods are still out there and they still want us. I wouldn't be surprised of they were already tracking us down, or sending monsters after us.

Matthew fished a key from his pocket and opened the door. "Well, this is it. Now remember follow the map. And try to stay under the raider, I'm in no doubt sure they gods are already out there."

We said our goodbyes and walked out. We walked around New York for a while, none of us sad anything. I was growing sick of the silence amongst us so I spoke up. "Guys maybe we should stop somewhere to see where exactly were supposed to be heading." I suggested.

Jason nodded, "he's right. Lets just go to Central Park, I'm in the mood for fresh air, that hotel is way too dusty."

We sat down under a tree in the park, discussing where were supposed to go next. Annabeth opened the map in front of us. And if theirs one thing to say: were doomed.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but are we supposed to travel all the way to Mount Olympus. Are we crazy or something!?" Leo shouted.

"Shh! Keep your voice down Leo, and yes were supposed to go there and yes we are all crazy." Hazel assured him.

"Guys going to the there is like suicide. Its where the gods are most powerful. If someone sees us stepping out of the elevator to Mount Olympus they'll probably report to the gods and then were seriously done for." Piper said.

I ignored their suggestions about how impossible this is. It was all making sense in my mind. "Guys don't you get it?" I asked.

They all froze and glanced at me. "Do you get it Percy? Because if you do an explanation would be helpful." Jason said.

"Yes. Okay focus with me. All what we ever knew about Mount Olympus was the city that surrounded the palace. That's all what we knew. But ever thought of what's out there? Guys Olympus is a whole other world. Just like the underworld, but Mount Olympus is bigger, who knows what other worlds are there in Olympus. I mean look." I pointed to the map, on the left corner of the map, it showed the gods' palace. But then it stretched out into other places, other worlds. And then in the right up corner of the page a huge cave was drawn. Labelled on that cave was 'Land of the Lost.'

"Doesn't make sense to all of you?" I asked.

They were all quite, but then Leo burst out laughing.

"Do you somehow find this funny?" Annabeth shouted.

"Well I'm sorry I don't know what's more funny, the fact that we have to go to our enemy's home or that Percy was smarter than Annabeth for once!" He rolled over laughing. Yep! He's definitely lost his mind.

I rolled my eyes while Annabeth gave him the 'I'm going to kill you look'.

"So are we up for this, or not?" I asked.

They all nodded, I didn't see the faces of people who just wanted power, or the sword. No I saw something better, the faces of people who wanted to stop something wrong. The gods. For the first time ever were going against them, not like I minded, to be honest. And I knew we could succeed, because I have the best team ever.

"Theirs just one problem." Frank said.

"And that is?" Piper asked.

"Don't you think it's a bit risky stepping into Olympus through the elevator where we could easily be spotted?" Frank was right but I had other ideas.

I smiled, facing them all, "who said anything about an elevator?"

Okay, guys go ahead and kill me. I left you with almost more than a month without and update. Why? BECAUSE OF SOMETHING HORRIBLE CALLED SCHOOL AND TESTS AND PROJECTS AND HOMEWORKS AND ALL THAT AND UGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Yeah I'm mad. BUTTTTTTT next week I only have 2 test, so I'll have time to write a bigger chapter and better, the only reason this chapter was short because it's a filler chapter. You know these types of chapters that just fill you in on things in the story. But I can't wait to write the next chapter *screams from excitement * Until next time!!

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