chapter5: We Get Slimed (yes I know thats not a word)

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Pipers POV:

THE Party continued until 12 midnight

"Um guys could we please just leave now?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah lets go, we could suprise the guys tommorw by telling them we were here all night" I said.

We made our way to the stairs so that we could leave , but Percy came and stood infront of us.

"You guys aren't gonna leave without taking a picture right? I mean we are all gonna take pictures at the end, but since you guys are leaving you should take the pictures now."

Percy then walked away so that he could take the camera.

"Guys I dont like the sound of that."

"Come on Piper what could go wrong" Hazel said.

Sadly none if us knew what was coming.

"Okay guys stand under the disco ball so that the picture could look shiny. Travis said.

Standing next to Travis was Percy,Frank, Jason, Leo Connor and Nico.

"Okay say cheese ........ LEO NOW."Travis shouted.

At top speed Leo pulled a little controller from his pocket and pressed the red button.

The disco ball then opened into half and it felt like water hit me but what spilled on me Hazel and Annabeth was green liquid that was sticky in other words GREEN SLIME.

Even our wigs fell so we were BUSTED.

"Hahahahah thats priceless" Percy shouted as everyone burst into laughter.

"Guys you should see it in slow motion" Travis said showing them the video. 

And they all fell to the ground laughing.

"Thats what you get for sneaking in" Nico said.

"Ewwww" I said taking the slime out of my face." How did you know it was us"

"Simple first I never say you guys so you looked suspcious, secound when I was talking to you I noticed piper wearing the charm bracelet I gave her." Jason explained.

" Annabeth I cant believe you sneaked in" Percy said looking mad at his girlfriend

"Sorry seaweed brain" Annabeth said

"Dont you seaweed brain me missy but anyway I forgive you."

"Sorry Jason" I said

"Forgive you" he said

"I am sorry Frank " Hazel said

And Frank forgave Hazel and the we aplogized to everyone.

"Oh well see you guys tommorw good night" Percy said.

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