Chapter 7: Miss*** to V*per

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Well everyone get comfortable, this will take a good two hours. Hope your schedules are clear.


Honestly I didn't mean to be so rude or sound so rude. I didn't even know that I could be so intimidating until I saw this fearless leader of a secret organization in league with the government flinch at my tone. But at the time I was more than happy to get a move on things and find my parents. They were missing and that had something to do with the DS and that is all I cared about.

My parents.

I miss them so much. I still can't even fathom the fact that hey are missing and most likely kidnapped. Now I am not one to talk and I haven't been with the DS for very long, only one day in fact, but if my parents are as good as they say I must have inherited something. I didn't have to even try if I wanted to take someone down and then if I concentrated I wouldn't miss a shot, so I probably have a spy's instinct too, and my instinct is telling me that they are in huge trouble.

And Max and I have to save them. I know it. And no one can tell me different. When I brought my attention back to the real world, I looked to see that Max was poking me and trying to discreetly let me know that we now have chairs to sit in. I felt my cheeks heat up as I scurried to my seat and sat down. I scanned the room and its inhabitants quickly and I felt something in my stomach that was telling me that something bad was going to happen soon.

I then figured it was just because I had not eaten yet and waved the feeling away. Everyone was intently focused on Witherstone, waiting for what he had to say next.

He looked at Max and me then looked at the other agents in the room.

" I brought you here because you all need to know that the infiltration and the kidnapping of two of our best agents are not coincidentally at the same time. I fear that these two things are one in the same. In simpler terms, the enemy knows that the Akins Agents are missing and the infiltration just provided them with more information than even we had. They have the agents themselves and we now no longer have the agents and the files that could possibly lead us to finding them are no longer confidential. The files that were sealed are the only missions that were Code Clear. "

A white screen slid down behind the empty head of the table and an image appeared. I couldn't see it clearly, but then the lights dimmed and the words that I read will forever stay rolling in my head.

The screen said:


Mission 1013

Infiltrate Viper base and get information on CASE OMEGA. If spotted immediately retreat and return to base. Any information gained will be positive.

The next few lines were blacked out, but very clearly at the bottom of the page in big red letters was the phrase ' CLEARANCE LEVEL 10 AND HIGHER ' I wasn't sure what that meant, but when I scanned the room most of the others were pale as paper and eyes widened in what was either surprise, fear, shock, or a mix of all three. Reading the screen combined with the looks of the most senior and advanced agents in the entire government brought that bad feeling back the pit of my stomach, this time much more painful than the last. Had I known what any of the things on the screen meant I think the feeling may have lessened or maybe even vanished, but because all of the words on the screen made no sense the uneasy feeling traveled to my throat, making my breathing short and quick. I knew this feeling, though I had only felt it once before, it was my nerves. That's what the doctor called it, but I called it my sixth sense. The only time I had ever felt this, was when my parents had taken us out of school and told us that our uncle and his family, two kids and a wife, were dead. They had died earlier that morning in a home invasion. Right there in their beds.

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