Chapter 9: How Big Is This Problem?

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"We need to talk before we meet with the others. I need to tell you something." I said and pulled Max along the hallway after me. 
As soon as I shoved Max into my room and shut the door I started talking.

"Listen, Cameron isn't the only one who had a bad feeling. I don't know what you should call it, but I have been feeling really uneasy about these upcoming days. Tell me what yo want but I am almost worried."He looked a little shocked. I knew he would cause I had thrown a lot of information at him but he seemed really weirded out. 

"Are you okay? You look really freaked." I asked.

" I swear Raina we really are connected. I mean someway somehow. Jeez." He paused and look at me. 

" I've been having bad feelings too. We must have all been feeling off cause someone else told me they were feeling worried about the coming week also."

"Really? Who?"

He opened his mouth to speak then closed it again. His eyes told me everything I need to know. "It was Stacy wasn't it! I knew it. Oh my gosh! Are you guys dating?! Oh please oh please oh please be dating. You guys would look so cute together! Did you ask her out? Did she ask you out! What happened? Spill right now."

Okay. At the time I knew I was going over board but I had been trying to set them up together for weeks and they did it all on their own? I need to know partly because of all my hard work, but mostly because being around Stacy made Max so happy, I didn't want her to take that away from him. If she did she would have to deal with me. After all, I am a spy. 

"Oh no, look what I have brought down upon my poor tortured soul." He groaned. "I am only telling you this because if I don't, you know where I sleep. First we are not dating. Yet. But I am hoping to get there someday, for now we are just friends."

I snorted. "Yeah...really really really close friends. That's all you two are. Uh-huh. Mmmm yup, definitely."

He glared at me.

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything I was trying not to get the kind of reaction you gave me. I could feel it coming. But listen you can not tell anyone! I mean anyone at all. No one. Got it? Promise me. Right now. No take-backs."

"What! No way! I need to tell everyone. That way we can get you guys together. You guys would be such a cute couple! Seriously? I don't want to say quiet! Please?"

"Oh you must be kidding me. I am not letting you tell anyone. I am not rea...I'm not ready for anyone to know this. Not just yet."

Now he was pleading with me. How could I say no. i only win so often, and to have practically begging at my feet? I needed to take this.

"Fine! I won't tell anyone until you want me to. Okay? Does that seem fair?"

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, there was a fast knock on the door. As Max walked to the door, the knocking became more panicked, and muffled shouting could be heard.

"I'm COMING! Hold on gosh!" Before his hand even turned the doorknob, the door swung open narrowly missing my brother. A panicked looking Manny came in, quickly followed by Stacy. 

 Manny looked at me. 

"We have a problem."

 "Yeah, a big problem." Stacy said.

 "A really big-"

 I cut in.

 "Thats enough, both of you. What is this 'really big problem'."

 "Well, you see we have been assigned another mission-"

 "That isn't the bad part, its-" Stacy cut Manny off again.

 "Will you let me speak! I am trying to explain something here." Stacy stopped. "Thank you, now as I was saying, we got another mission. But the two of us are a little apprehensive about accepting because if we accept first, we all have to go and we are down an agent already, and second the mission we have been given is thelastmissionyourparentswenton?"

He said the last part so quickly I didn't understand him.

"I'm sorry. What? Can you repeat that please?"

 "Are you sure you really want me to? Cause I am pretty sure that I don't want to repeat that. Saying it once was enough. Please don't make me say it again!" 

 This was starting to get ridiculous, these two enter my room unannounced, speaking only gibberish and they expect me to not ask them to repeat something. I hadn't understood a word they said. At least I didn't ask them to leave. 

 "Um? Hi there, My name is Raina Atkins, I am an agent here at the DS and I am also a level 6 agent. Oh oopsies, did I forget to mention that I am also your team leader?" I paused and looked at the ceiling. "Anything else I missed Max?" 

   "No my dear sister I don't think you did. Now, what did you guys want to tell us, start from the begging please. I didn't catch anything either of you said. What has you both so freaked?" Manny looked at Stacy. They had a silent stare-off and it seemed Manny had one because Stacy groaned loudly and looked at my brother and I.

 "I'm not really sure that you are going to want to hear what I am about to tell you. So here is the deal, a one time offer from me to you guys, promising you won't say anything until we leave the room? Okay? Great, Manny get the door you are going to want to be ready for this. Listen, we were offered a mission as you already know, now the bad part about this is that this very dangerous, very important, very serious mission is also the same mission your parents went on before we lost contact with them. That is why Manny was so scared to come in and tell! We will be right outside waiting for your decision. Thanks!" And with that those guys were out of my room faster than you can yell 'WHAT!'.

 I tested it. 

 "WHAT! Oh my god. Max we have to take this, we have to say yes, this is a chance for us to find Mom and Dad, even is we are missing Cameron, we still have to take it. We can be extra careful. Now we just have to-" 

 "Raina! Whoa, slow down I don't really know if we should take this one. At least not without Cam. We need the whole team with us for this one. I'm not sure if we should go short handed. We need another one out in the field with us, and Manny can't come, he isn't a great fighter we need him here"

A muffled Hey! Was heard from outside the door telling us that the others were listening. I didn't care. 

 "No, we need to take this mission I have lived for far too long without them and I am not going to pass up such an opportunity, there is no way we are not taking this mission, I know I am being selfish, but I need this one. I am going to go to Witherstone right now and accept. There is nothing you can say to change my mind. I'm sorry Max." I turned on my heel and opened the door to see Manny and Stacy's awed faces. I ignored them and started walking down the familiar gray halls to the room I knew as the Director's office, but before I turned the corner I looked back at my amazing team and yelled "You three better get ready, we have a hard mission ahead!".

 Boy was I in for a treat. This was going to be a long few days.  


A/N You guys are going to hate be because I am changing the title again for the last time, this one is final and I am sorry for all of the confusion I may have caused, but then you will love me once I am done with this story, I am a few chapters away from the end. I hope you guys are looking forward to it. I know it may seem short but the chapters are pretty long so I think it will be good. I have chapters on the way, so keep an eye out. Hope you enjoy!


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