Chapter 13: Thus Begins The End

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I woke up five days later in the DS hospital. 

Suffering from a major concussion, reoccurring migraines, five broken ribs, three bruised, a punctured lung, six stitches on my cheek, four on my hand, second degree burns on my hand, and first degree burns on my heel. I also had some hearing loss from the blast. 

 After I woke up Max had come to see me and he told me that just after I passed out on the plane so did Cameron and that he had woken up a day before I did. I had been hurt more than him, and Max gave me a very disapproving look when I told him I was glad that he was better than I was.

 He ended up getting the doctors to keep me in the hospital for three more days as payback for scaring him so badly, and in those three days I had a lot of visitors. And at certain times the whole team came to visit me. I had a visit from Lena and she commended me on my bravery that I had shown when everything seemed to be falling apart. 

Later that day I had visit from Director WItherstone scolding me on my irresponsibility for disobeying direct orders, then five minutes later had the whole DS watching me as he handed me a medal of honor because "what I did took real guts, real courage" and he was proud of me. 

The last person that visited me was my dad. He immediately apologized for not coming to see me sooner but he was scared of what I would say to him. I gave him a hug and thanked him for his unnecessary apology. Then we talked about other things like how Max and I became spies and found our way to the DS.  

   I told him the story from the beginning leaving out a few of the parts that he would worry about and by the end he had smile plastered on his face. I hadn't wanted to do it but I brought the topic of my. I asked him about the mission and how it turned upsidedown. And he told me. Without any hesitation he told me what had happened. When he was done he was crying but it looked like the world had been lifted off his shoulders. 

He told me about how my mother had been barely breathing when I found them and he was able to say a proper goodbye to her when they reached the hospital. She died shortly after we got back and my brother and dad had begun the funeral planning. He told me he was sorry that I couldn't say goodbye, but that my mom had been awake long enough to know that I saved her, and she knew the extent of my injuries. She was dying and she gave me her blood to save my life. And to her I will ever be in her debt. Even if she is gone. I had missed the wake, but I would be able to attend the funeral and the burial.   

That day I left the infirmary and was moved back into my room in the teen wing. My dad and brother escorted me there and on the way every agent I could possibly imagine congratulated me on my medal and my bravery. By the time I go to my room I opened the door and there was a party going on. I walked in and everyone started to cheer for me. Chanting my name. I made my way through the crown and talked to some of my friends. I was starting to get really tired so Stacy kicked everyone out and left. I closed my door and turned to see my room just the way I left it. Except one thing on my bed. A big box with my name on it in beautiful handwriting, it had a note from my mother. 

 The note read:

  Dear my beautiful Raina, this box was to be given to you when you first became a spy. I wish I had been there to see it, but knowing you saved my life, that you have your own team, is better than I could have ever known. I know you will miss me, and I will miss you wherever I am going, but for now all I can offer to you are all the gifts I saved for your first few birthdays as a spy and a diary of my young spy days. I hope you enjoy my darling. 

 With Love, Mom

By the time I had finished reading the note I had tears streaming down my face. She was right, even staring death on the face she was right, she was strong. 

   I was going to grow up like her and make her proud. I started to open the box and the first thing I pulled out was an old book with the words 'My Diary' on it. I flipped through the pages and went back to the first entry. In my mom's beautiful curly handwriting it said: 

 DAY ONE: The last question they asked me was ARE YOU SURE? My answer was a HELL YES! I started working at the DS immediately, it was a nice building that all the kids in town thought was abandoned. Well it's not! 

 I skipped more pages, each one was titled up until the last one that read: FINALLY GETTING MARRIED! I didn't read that one. Someday I would but not today. I had one more thing to do before I settled into bed. I needed to talk with my team. I turned towards the door with a groan. I had to wear a stupid shoulder brace and rib brace and a whole bunch of other things that totally made me look hard core, but I really did hurt. Breaking ribs causes a lot of pain. I hit the pager button and called my team into my room, I had no energy left to get up anyways.

 I sat on my bed and waited for my family.   


A/N You guys might be a little confused, I just want to finish the book on an even note, so I am adding one more chapter. Hope you enjoy!


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