Chapter 14: Then End of The End

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  As I finish telling you my story I have one thing to say. I hope you know that you are going to have to find a DS of your own someday. I found mine and I found my family. 

I am a special person with special talents and you are too. Now let's leave the mushy stuff behind.

 When my team showed up I instantly fell into tears. I fell to the ground looking up at my friends with blurry eyes. Cameron was on crutches and Max had a cast, Stacy had a head bandage, and even Manny had little finger cast from all of the tech work he did. I looked at these people in front of me and realized how much I loved all of them. 

Their faces were priceless, and I wish I would have taken a picture. Seeing me in all of my bandages and casts, in all my glory and strength reduced to nothing crying on a dorm floor in front of an audience. Stacy hurried over and helped me up. I was sitting on a bed looking at them and I started to laugh with tears rolling down my face.

 The rest of them joined in, but a shot of pain went through my lungs and I had to stop. The rest of my friends realized that here I was in so much pain emotionally and physically and I was still as strong as ever. I looked up again from the floor and saw Max and Stacy holding hands. I sent them a wink causing them to blush and them jump away from each other when Cameron turned around. He sent them a wink as well and I could almost see them becoming tomatoes. They began to hold hands again and sat down on the ground. 

I made a move to join them and was met by loud protests. I ignore them and groaned again when I reached the floor. We sat in silence for a few minutes then I spoke. 

 "Sorry Stacy I have to separate you from my brother for a while I think it's my turn."

 She blushed again and moved over leaving room for me to sit next to Max. I leaned in and he put his arm around me. Conversation started and the last thing I saw was the smiling faces of my team, my friends, my family. 

 Before I told you that if you knew who I was you were going to be in some big trouble, now that is not wrong, but I think that if you can find a family like I have, then you will be just fine.    


A/N Now I am done. There may be some more storied with Max and Raina Atkins but for now they need some time to heal. I hope you loved the journey as much as I did, and that you get a chance to find your family like Raina. Once more, as always, Enjoy!


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