Chapter 10: We Get A New Mission

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Before I turned the corner I looked back at my amazing team and yelled "You three better get ready, we have a hard mission ahead!". Boy was I in for a treat. This was going to be a long few days.  


As I made my way to the Director's office I felt so many emotions I almost missed the door. I composed myself and knocked on the door. "Enter" " Director I am here to accept the mission that was given to my agents this morning. The one to the Viper base?" "Ahh I was so hoping you would say that."

That is how I ended up where I am right now. Those seven little words have just turned my entire world upside down and so twisted I am defying gravity. See what happened was we began to get ready for the mission but we received a distress call from Cameron, our missing link.

 The call was important, I knew that before we even heard the transmission. His call came right from our mission site. This gave me as the leader even more responsibilities and ten times the guilt. I let him go on that mission, he even told us that he was worried, and what did I do? 

I dismissed it. 

I didn't even read the file he gave me. I heard the call and grabbed the file I cursed myself for being so stupid. His solo mission was to prepare for our group one. He went to gather information and was supposed to meet us when we touched the ground at the Viper base.

 "Well, what does it say? What was his mission!" Manny hissed from across our meeting table. 

 "I am so sorry guys I should have cared more. He went on a mission to the Viper bases. I shouldn't have let him go without me reading this. God I am stupid. He reached his mission site two hours after he left us here, he was supposed to infiltrate the base and gather intel for our group mission. We were supposed to coordinate with him. Once we reached out mission point he was supposed to meet us there." I wanted to kick myself for being so naive.

 "We leave earlier than planned, Manny I need that plane here now. I don't care what the director says, we leave when that plane gets here."

 Manny stood in front of me for a few seconds thinking or comprehending what I said or something else I don't know, but after her got over his shock his fingers whizzed over the keyboard like a jetski. 

"I got it the plane will be ready in the hanger in ten minutes. You guys need to hurry. Save my boyfriend." Manny shouted as we ran down the hallway. When we made it to the hanger I was surprised. Manny hooked us up with an amazing pilot.

 "The normal flight takes about two hours, but if you guys really need it I can get you there in one." A familiar voice said from the pilot chair. 

 "I've gotta remember to thank Manny when we get back. Lena I feel so much better with you here. One hour would be great." Max's voice sounded so relieved, and I knew the cause of all of their stress was me. I had to put that aside if I wanted to get through this mission safely. 

 "We have one hour to plan this mission, any ideas?" I said. This was my fault and I was going to fix it. 

"Before we start I just need to say something, Raina I know  what you are thinking and you need to stop. I am not just your team member, I am your brother. Your twin no less. You are blaming yourself and you need to stop. I don't have to read your mind to know that look on your face. None of us blame you. We were all following procedure, following the rules like you alway have. In this case it wasn't for the better, but I am telling you now to stop blaming yourself because in this world self doubt has no place in your head. Now that I got that out, we can continue. I have an idea."

 Max hit me right where it hurts. I have always been a sucker for rules and up until now it has benefited me. Benefited my team. This time it didn't. This time rules didn't matter. I looked around the plane. The people around me were my family no matter what anyone else says. They always have my back. 

As Max began to talk again I got back to focus. Max was right. I need to be at my best for Cameron. Max's plan was pretty genius, and not in a sarcastic way. All we had to do know is call Manny and let him know the plan. I didn't want to be the person to tell him that the whole operation rest squarely on his shoulders, this would be where someone would say 'but no pressure'. 

 "Stace, do me a favor and call Manny, let him know the plan. He is important, plus he won't get mad at you because he is dating your brother." I said nonchalantly. Inside my mind was racing, my stomach churning, and my heart racing. 

I said Max's plan was genius yes, but it was also outrageous. It was so crazy it would work. I was just worried it wouldn't. Then we would all be captured and in deeper trouble than any of us could possibly imagine. The plane ride felt like a lot longer than one hour, but Lena was doing the best she could and I was so thankful for that.  I figured if we didn't have Lena we would be in real trouble. The plan only worked if we got there on time.

 The more I thought about this plan the more I began to overthink it. I kept having to remind myself that we were a big group of world-class spies and we could get this job done. As Stacy went off to call Manny I thought back to the first time I met Cameron. I had met all of the agents on my team individually and hand picked them myself. 

When I met Cameron for the first time I accidentally fainted, in the least graceful way possible. I fell out of a chair. 

 I was just beginning my second case as a spy and I was going over the case file in a meeting room on the north side of the DS. Cameron walked in breathing heavily, which told me he must have been running all around the building looking for me. He looked me in the eyes and they shocked me, the grey color of a smooth stone on the beach, they were warm and inviting but at the same time they were full of hurt and anger. Only later I learned that he and his sister had a rough life. He also wore contacts most of the time. They confused me and I almost didn't answer him when he started talking. I had begun to look at the rest of him, his hair was a beautiful dark color that made his cheekbones pop out and make him look all the more attractive. He realized that I was not paying any attention to him and he said "You know I'm gay right?" That shattered my dreams, I sipped out of my chair onto the floor and fainted. I met his sister after I left the infirmary and they made a great team.

 I looked up and met his eyes. The plane had landed and we should have been met by Cameron, but he was in trouble. I stood up put on a brave face and lead my team off the plane. "Time to put this crazy plan into action." I said and we began running.  


A/N Hope you guys get to enjoy the upcoming action, only two chapters left, but I hope I make them good enough for you all. Let me know what you think and please feel free to correct my spelling and grammar! Enjoy!


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