Chapter 11: Who am I Gonna Kill?

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  The plane had landed and we should have been met by Cameron, but he was in trouble. I stood up put on a brave face and lead my team off the plane. "Time to put this crazy plan into action." I said and we began running.    


I know I never really explained the plan, but even I don't know how we pulled it off. It was so bad that within the first three minutes of the alarms went off. Now this was part of the plan, but we forgot. Yes, we freaking forget the plan. 

Manny set off the alarms on purpose, but as spies we had been taught that if you hear the alarms run as if your pants were on fire. And that's what we did, but about twenty seconds after the alarms I remembered that we had set the alarms off on purpose. God how many times was I going to mess up today? I was caught by guards. 

Perfect. I thought, then I remembered Max's plan.

  Don't escape, we need them to take us to Cam, but you need to put up a fight. I know this won't be easy but you need to make it look real.

Make it look real he said. I am so going to give these guys a serious beat-down, but I can't break anything. Three men came at me with the same defensive style of the men attacked Max, Lena, and I so long ago. Those guys went down easy, these guys will be like pudding. They came at me all together assuming they could overpower me, I did look like a teenage girl. I am a teenage girl, what am I saying.

 But I can fight. 

These guys didn't know that. They were getting closer and I just stood there in the middle of the corridor. They were gaining on me. I flicked my eyes to the ceiling and prayed to whatever higher power there was that this didn't look as pathetic as it felt. I looked back at the men and at the top of my lungs, I screamed.

 For the most part it worked the way it was supposed to but for a while there would be some pretty nasty rumors about me. One guard stopped in his tracks and one tripped on his own feet. The third one wasn't fazed. I backed towards the wall slowly and watched him get closer. I began to let tears fall from my face. This guy was so going to get it. 

When he was close enough for me to see his eyes I threw myself to the ground and started to sob just as he launched himself at me. A loud crack echoed down the hall and it seemed to snap the other men out of their stupor. Well I would add groans of pain and sobbing to the echo. I was listening but I can only assume it was very loud. 

Angry at me for hurting their fallen soldier the grabbed by the arms and roughly pulled me up. I grunted and it took all of my willpower not to get these jerks back, to put them in their place. I mean, how dare they treat an innocent young girl like she was a criminal. But I was a spy, definitely not innocent, I was a little bit or a criminal, and partially undercover. If I wanted to save Cameron then I had to keep it that way. As they pulled me along the moldy smelly hallways I realized the lights were getting dimmer, it was becoming colder. My facade of tears and helplessness was beginning to turn real.

 I had to snap myself out of it. 

I reached back into the deepest parts of my mind into the happiest places. I somehow pulled out a quote from Martin Luther King Junior. He had once said that " the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". I don't remember where I heard it, but for all things good I hoped whoever had shared it with me would one day learn they saved my life. 

As the hallways became almost dark I felt not scared but confident. I felt it cancelling out my fear, my worries. I was also just in time because had finally reached the destination they wanted. The cells. 

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