Baby Baby [chapter 5]

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Chapter 5

The rest of the day was actually kind of fun. I was on a high from puking on Ryan and by the looks of things he was on a low. People kept calling him names today instead of me. Daddy Puke was one of their favourites. He got what he deserved, or was I a bit harsh? Wait, no I wasn't, not compared to what he did to me. Stupid ass.

I walk across the car park on my own all set to walk home. Until I remembered Sarah was taking me home and sick boy was going to be in the car. Great! Note the sarcasm dripping off that word.

I saw her shiny black Toyota parked the other side of the car park so I walked over hurriedly, wanting to get the journey over and done with as quickly as possible. I waved to her as I got closer, she smiled back warmly.

I climbed into the back of the car and was met by a sulking Ryan and his glare. I bit back a giggle. He looked like a 2 year old again. It also made me want to wrap my arms round him and kiss him to make it all better. Did I just think that! What is wrong with me! Brain malfunction, I hate him!

"Hello Sarah" I said, she said hello back and we fell into a silence the only sound coming from the radio. "Your so beautiful, your so damn beautiful, I said your so damn beautiful." Akon sang. Do not cry, do not cry, do not cry I repeated in my head. Beautiful was the song Ryan always sang to me, it was the song we first kissed to as well.

I brushed my hair across my face in case any tears managed to escape from my eyes. My blurry eyes flicked across to Ryan, he was starring out the window his head pressed up against the glass, which was fogging up from his heavy breathing.

His eyes looked glazed over and he had a strained expression on his face. I hope this song makes him uncomfortable too! The ride was too long in my mind even though it lasted little over 5 minutes. I thanked Sarah and near enough ran in to my house.

I went straight into the kitchen and was welcomed by the smell of chips and my mum getting them out the oven. Elle thought I was disgusting when I dipped my chips into peanut butter at lunch, but hilarious that I actually brought the peanut butter to school. She put some on a plate for me and handed me the peanut butter. I laughed and told her about my day as I stuffed my face, my sadness from the car already forgotten.

"You actually threw up on him!" my mum cried in between laughter. "I bet Sarah will agree that that is hilarious!" she added. I began laughing again at the memory of his face. Some one should have taken a picture.

The next day stunk on ice. I was called slut by everyone who passed me even Lucy and I know for the fact she lost her virginity when she was 12, and has had 2 abortions, now that's a slut! But yet she still hissed it, along with everyone else.

I walked through the corridor for the 3rd time today as I headed outside next to Elle for first break. I walked past groups of all ages and everyone hissed slut apart from a few, and I mean about 3 people gave me sympathetic looks. Load of idiots in this school.

I walked out the doors and slowly walked past Ryan and that idiot Charlie, actually I should say that idiot Ryan too. "I don't even think the baby's mine, she's such a slut, it could be any ones, I can't believe I went out with her." By now Charlie had realised I was there." Ryan!" He whispered not quiet enough for me not to hear.

Ryan turned around and his face turned into a picture of horror. That's when I punched him.

Ryan's P.O.V

I could see her fist coming at me. I didn't move, I knew I deserved it. It hit me on the cheek leaving a pain smaller than the one in my heart or my bruises on my arms and chest. I didn't mean it, I was just trying to let out of my anger. I wasn't angry at her, I was angry at my dad and my self but I couldn't rant about my dad, because it would get worse at home.

So I started talking shit about her trying to release anger. The shit meant nothing, I've blown it, I was going to make it up to her. I couldn't live without her anymore, I need her. But she doesn't need an ass like me.

She stood over me and I could see tears streaming down her perfect cheeks, I wanted to kiss them away, make it all better. Even with make-up streaming down her she looked beautiful I just wanted to kiss her. I had to kiss her. I sprang up taking her by surprise, grabbed her hand and ran into the caretaker's cupboard pulling her in and shutting the door behind us.

[To be continued......Please comment on the story and tell me if you like it, be honest. Sorry for the cliff hanger, I just had to do it. There is something else happening in this story, I have hinted at it. Next chapter will tell all. Please vote and comment. I see I have 7 fans now, I feel loved. I hope you like the story so far Let me know. Pleaseeeeeee..... Vote and Comment. Pleaseeeeeeee ........ I love you all...loads.....x]

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