Baby Baby [chapter 11, part 2]

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Baby Baby - Chapter 11, part 2

[a/n I thought id post this quick, before some of you get the wrong idea, or have a heart attack or something lol, on with the story...]

Within seconds the nurse came rushing through the doors again, with a panicked looking doctor close behind her. He rushed to the machine and looked at it for a few seconds, he then grabbed the thing the nurse had run over my tummy with and lifted it into the air towards his confused eyes. As he pulled it up, you could see the cable attached to it wasn't attached to anything else.

A small chuckle escaped his lips and he looked at the nurse who stood watching anxiously. He plugged the unattached end of the cable into something. I watch him, unblinkingly, desperate for him to do something, to tell me my baby was okay, but all he had done was confuse me. He then ran the thing over my tummy and instantly my baby appeared on the screen.

I felt relief wash through me and a smile spread over my lips as I watched the tiny thing on the screen, that was my baby. I did not look at anyone but the screen; I was looking at my baby, My Baby! I heard the doctors voice speak, breaking the silence that had fallen on the room, "I'm sorry for the panic just caused but, Sophia is new, and had forgotten to attach the cable and so nothing showed on screen and you can not always hear the baby's heartbeat if the baby is surrounded by a lot of fluids."

"Fluids," Ryan's voice spoke, a hint of concern, "Is that bad for the baby?" The doctor replied that it wasn't and it is normal. I sighed, letting out a breath I had not realised I was holding, my baby was fine.

[a/n haha, I didn't kill the baby, I just couldn't, it's the pivoting point for the story anyway. Hope you like it, please vote and comment, if you don't I will climb through your window with an axe and make you, lol only joking, but seriously, vote and comment please I write quicker, as if no one had commented on the last part I wouldn't have posted this as fast. Please comment and vote on the first part of the chapter as well! Love you all (by the way id love you more if you voted and commented and became my fan, lol :P ) byebye XxXx]

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