Baby baby [chapter 10....part 2!] sorry for the long wait

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Chapter 10 ............part 2!

(Recap: "Rellarna Malady will you marry me?" he said looking into my eyes, "We don't have to get married just yet, I mean when we get a bit older, when our baby is born?" I looked at the opened black box in his hand, a shiny silver ring with 3 large stones in it. In the middle was a giant diamond surrounded by two emeralds, the exact colour of his beautiful eyes. Erm...................)

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Okay Rell stop standing here like a dumb lemon and say something. I looked into his eyes for a few seconds longer and held my breath.

Did I want to get married? Not yet, but maybe later. Does he really love me, or is it just because of the baby? Of course he loves me; I can see it in his eyes as I looked deeper and deeper into them. Do I love him?

And with that thought I answered. "Yes." He leapt up and I hugged him, shrieking something that even I didn't understand. He laughed as I jumped up and down before kissing him passionately. I started jumping up and down again in excitement.

I pulled out my phone and rang Elle, I'm not sure if she got what I said as I sounded more like a hysterical monkey than a person, "Elle! Elle! Guess what! I'm engaged!" I hung up and saw Ryan was looking at me smiling, I think he was not to laugh at me.

I then phoned my mum and said the exact same thing, but replaced Elle with Mum. I then rang Ryan's mum and said the same thing except with the word Sarah instead of Elle or Mum. I'm not sure if either of them heard what I said or understood it if they did hear. I was just so exited.

I put away my phone and leaped into Ryan's arms. He looked deep into my eyes and as I stared into them I saw what I wanted to see and what I'm sure echoed in my eyes, love.

He really did love me. He really did! He brought his lips down to mine and as they collided I felt like I would explode with happiness.

[To be continued......Do you like it? Please vote and comment on it! It isn't as good as the part I wrote and accidentally deleted, but I had to post something. Sorry sorry sorry I kept you waiting for like a month. I had writers block after I deleted the other one and was swamped in course work, homework, school and swimming. I love all my fans, even though I left you all waiting on a cliff hanger for a month you still didn't un become a fan! I can't believe I have 27 fans! I love you all...loads.....x ... Chow!... <3 ......x ....]

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