Baby Baby [chapter 11]

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Baby Baby - Chapter 11

[a/n: I have decided to continue with baby baby now so enjoy! I was going to leave the last chappy as the ending but I think it's well too happy, I like sad stories, so the rest of the story may be slightly sad, or maybe it won't lol. Please read it, vote and comment coz the more I get the faster I type, *puppy dog eyes* pweeeaaaassseeee!!!!! Enjoy.... XxXx]

"Honey, honey wake up, baby" I heard my mum whisper from above me, and I groaned as she had just woken me up from my dreaming of when Ryan proposed to me exactly 2 months ago, today. You're your lazy butt up, you've got a scan today!" my oh so lovely mother screamed in my ear.

I opened my mouth to shout at her but I realised what she had just said. I went to jump out of bed forgetting I look more like a whale than a person and I don't have my usual balance being this side. I began to topple, but steadied my self on the table beside my bed. I could feel a goofy smile playing on my lips, I'm just so exited, I get to see a picture of my baby today.

I got ready and heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. I opened the door to find Ryan on my door step, water dripping from his hair, from the rain, making him look sexy. He had a huge smile on his lips, and before I could laugh and tell him I had been smiling like that all day, he caught my lips in his and we stood kissing, my head exploding in fireworks.

When we finally broke apart, breathing heavily I could feel my smile widen, if that were even possible. "You ready then?" his musical voice asked me, I nodded and we called my mum, before heading to her car and climbing in the back together, our fingers entwined. About ten minutes later we were at the hospital and climbing back out of the car.

I felt little butterflies flutter their wings inside of me and was almost bouncing up and down, I was actually about to until Ryan put his arm round my shoulders, trying to stop me. I snuggled into his chest and I saw a blink of light. I looked up at my mum, who had a small smile on her lips and her camera in her hands. I scowled at her, I hate having my picture taken. "I just had to Rell, it was so cute and the lighting was perfect."

I pretend scowled at her again as we made our way into the maternity ward of the hospital. As soon as we stepped inside I felt out of place, I was surrounded by pregnant women, all of them at least 20 or older. I felt all eyes on me, on my tummy, shocked obviously by my youth, but I was used to this now.

After sitting not even a minute we were called into a small cubicle to the right of us. I inhaled deeply, which was a bad idea as the nasty smell of the hospital filled my nose making it wrinkle. I walked hurriedly to the cubicle, Ryan's arm around my shoulder trying to, unsuccessfully slow me down. I literally leaped onto the hospital bed as we waited for the nurse.

The nurse came out, she was pretty and looked young. I watched as she fiddled with the equipment next to me and she told us she was new to this. I smiled at her and she asked me to lift up my top just over my bump, I did as asked and then gripped tightly onto Ryan's hand as he had seated himself next to me. She spread this jelly over my belly and I jumped and giggled as it was cold, everyone in the room laughed at me.

Next she ran a stethoscope over my tummy, telling us she was going to listen to the baby's heartbeat. A small frown formed on her face and she stopped. Quietly, without saying anything to us she turned on the machine next to us, the scanner, and ran something else over my tummy.

I looked expectantly at the screen for my baby, but I saw nothing. I looked at the nurse and saw a look of panic in her eyes, Ryan gripped hold of my hand tighter and a look of fear was patterned in his face, the same look that gripped my mum. The nurse turned to us and said, her voice unsteady, "I can't seem to find the baby" before running out of the room. I felt the walls around me close in and began to panic, tears bubbling in my eyes. "Where's my baby?" I whispered barely audible, my voice a mouse's squeak.

[pweaaassseee vote and comment, I want feed back please, I'll write faster if I get some!! Lol pretty please? Love all my fans loads, can't believe I have so many!! Xx]

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