9- Frypan and kittens.

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Thomas: Hey everyone!

Newt: Hey there.

Minho: Hey shanks!

Brenda: Hi!

Frypan: What's up?!

Thomas: The sky.



Thomas: Oh come on, that was a good one.

Frypan: No, man. Just no.

Minho: Stop trying to be funny shuckface. You have to take lessons from this guyyy. *smirks and points to himself*

Brenda: *rolls eyes*

Newt: Shoot me now.

Thomas: Newt. Don't say that. I'm getting a bad vibe when I hear you say that so DON'T SAY IT. Please.

Newt: Okay, Tommy. If it'll help you sleep at night.

Frypan: First question is from @newtcutie, and she asks everyone: How good is Frypan's (my) food on a scale from 1-10?

Thomas: Well it's actually pretty good. When he uses common sense. I say an 8.

Frypan: What?! I use common sense!

Newt: When someone asks for their soup to be heated up, they don't mean for you to leave it in the bloody sun.

Minho: They mean to heat it up OVER A FIRE.

Frypan: Well... it works either way. But how about we focus on when the food is cooked the right way! Then how is it you shanks?

Minho: So-so. I give it a 6.

Newt: I'm not picky like Minho. You do good, Fry. I say 9.

Frypan: Thanks Newt. That's why everyone likes you more than Minho.

Minho: Hey!

Brenda: I've never had your food Frypan, so...

Thomas: Overall, the food is good.

Frypan: Thanks guys.

Minho: Next question is from @hadler_kitten_mitten, and she asks: Do you guys like kittens? And Newt, how does that much amazingness fit into one person?

Newt: You guys are too sweet. And yes, kittens are cute little balls of fluff.

Thomas: Yeah, kittens are cute. From what I can remember anyway.

Minho: I'm allergic to cats..

Brenda: Haha. I used to have a cat in the Scorch. But then it died.

Frypan: Umm...

Thomas: Sorry?

Brenda: Yeah. It had the Flare, and it wasn't really mine. Oh well.

Newt: Okay. Frypan, what do you think of kittens?

Frypan: They're cute. I love their little noses and whiskers that tickle you every time you try to snuggle them...


Minho: Well. I'm scarred for life.

Thomas: Apparently Frypan has a soft side.

Newt: A kitten lover, huh Frypan?

Frypan: Yep. From what I remember.

Minho: Imagine Frypan snuggling with a bunch of freaking kittens in his old life. Bwahaha.

Brenda: I can imagine it and I don't even know the guy that well hahaha.

Thomas: OKAY. Before this escalates any further, we'd better log off.

Newt: Good idea. Thanks for your questions, and we apologize for this being such a short chat.

Minho: See ya shanks!

Brenda: Bye!

Frypan: See ya later! And GO KITTENS!

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