18- Minho the fashion critic.

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Newt: Hi everyone.

Minho: Heyy!

Thomas: Hi guys!

Minho: Just the three of us today.

Newt: That's right. So let's get along, okay?

Thomas: You don't have to remind me. It's Minho you should worry about.

Minho: Way to hit low, Thomas!

Thomas: Oh, come on. You know it's true.

Minho: Nuh-uh.

Newt: And THIS is what I'm bloody talking about! Let's get along!


Newt: Thank you. Someone please ask the first question.

Thomas: *coughs* I will. First question is from @bloodyinspiredlucy, and she asks two. Her first question is: Have you ever danced in the rain?

Minho: As a matter of fact, I have! Pretty fun.

Newt: I haven't.

Minho: Right. Because Newt is the serious one; the shank doesn't know how to live a little.

Newt: *scoffs* I know how to have fun.

Thomas: *gasps*

Minho: No shucking way. Newt knows how to have fun!

Newt: I do. And you bloody shanks act like a bunch of crazies.

Minho: What's your fun, Newt? Staring at everyone with that same blank expression all day?

Newt: No!

Thomas: *laughs* Okay, let's just calm down. Like you said Newt, get-

Newt: What you do Minho is act like you rule the world and annoy people. That's your definition of fun.

Minho: Actually, it's not. But whatever makes you feel happy.

Newt: You know what, Minho? Sometimes I just can't stand you.

Minho: Good, that means I'm doing my job.

Newt: *sighs*

Thomas: I can't believe we got so off track from the question. But yes I have danced in the rain... *clears throat*

Newt: @bloodyinspiredlucy also asks: What was the last lie you told?

Thomas: ...That I liked Teresa.

Minho: Oh snap. Good thing she isn't here.

Newt: Ouch Tommy.

Thomas: *shrugs*

Minho: My last lie was that I liked what Newt wore today.

Newt: What? You said my outfit looked professional and spiffy.

Minho: Yeah... I lied. That vest was so last spring. And it was also on a dead guy.

Thomas: Dang, Minho the clothing critic!

Newt: Eh, he's got a bit of a point there. But what else am I supposed to do? Stop at the shopping mall? But wait. It's overrun with Cranks.

Minho: Hey, anything works.

Newt: Alright then... just ask the final question Minho.

Minho: @newtcutie asks: When you guys got out of the Maze, did you think everything would go back to normal and you'd see your families again?

Thomas: Actually, yeah. I did.

Newt: I did too for a split second.

Minho: I don't wanna admit it... but those shanks at WICKED had me fooled too.

Thomas: It was when we found those dead bodies hanging from the ceiling that we knew we were screwed over again. And then they suddenly disappeared.

Newt: Either that or a magician showed up.

Minho: Yeah. WICKED is shucked up in the head. I can't believe all the klunk they've put us through.

Thomas: *shakes head in disappointment*

Minho: That's it shanks!

Newt: Thanks for the questions!

Thomas: See you guys later!

Newt: Bye.

Minho: See ya!

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