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I dedicated the first chapter (and maybe more chapters to come...) to my 'daughter', Nani. I love you to bits and pieces but I still hate you for introducing Kuroko no Basuke to me since it made me THIS infatuated with it until I even write a story out of it. Just know that I love you though.


Seirin Private High School.

Nanami took a deep breath before she entered through the gates of Seirin on the first day of school. Students in uniforms were crowding around the school grounds and most of the seniors vocal chords were strained in order to attract attentions for the new entries to take notice of their clubs.

Based on what her ears had caught, there are rugby club, shogi club, swimming club and a whole lot more. As she was strutting around the pathway, a tall, raven head male student handed her a flyer. In contrast to his other partner who was yelling out loud, this particular male said nothing and only flashed a nice friendly smile.

Nanami returned the smile as she continued her strut. While she was walking around, she took a glance back at the flyer that was given to her by the male just now.

Seirin Basketball Club.

The design itself was awfully simple though. Just a drawing of a 2-dimensional basketball that filled the entire paper and the header saying "Join Us!". These people whoever they may be must not have put much effort in making them.

"Basketball huh?" spluttering the words out to nobody in particular, Nanami smiled and slowly folded the paper in half and tucked them in her bag. Thinking that she would just throw the flyer in any trashcan she would find soon rather than holding them in her hands. Realizing the knot in her hair was getting loose, she tightened the knot back in the middle of the path.

Her eyes were darting around to look for anything that might interest her. A dash of light blue colour from a distance caught her eye. There is only one person in the world that she knows have those unique coloured hair.

"That's impossible." Knowing that Seirin has just been established last year, and although there is a basketball club in the school but it was close to impossible for him to be there. In the world of basketball, Seirin has yet to leave a mark thus it is quite impossible for him to be there. He is one of the best players back in middle school. There is just no way.

Kaijou, Yosen, Shutaku, Too and Rakuzan, the kings of basketball competitions, well Nanami herself knew that most of her friends might be attending them. But Seirin? Never in a million years.

A new school. High school. Away from her old friends. And away from him and away from the one thing that gave Nanami so much joy and so much pain all at the same time.

"A new start huh?"

The first day of school was basically the normal thing. Usual greetings and being forced to do the thing that she hates the most ; introducing herself. The day passed by uneventfully as right after the first 2 hours, classes began in a usual manner. Nanami almost forgot that even though it was a new school, it is still a private institution that has already placed itself in the top 10 out of the many schools within the district for its academic excellence.

Plus, she also had made a new friend who is her seatmate. Her name was Amano Rika who have luscious brown hair that ended just a few inches below her shoulders with her sparkling pitch black orbs and Nanami's impression of her after talking to her and getting to know each other for a while, she is an outspoken, loud and a very friendly person.

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