Teiko Middle

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Second Year of Middle School, Teiko Middle.

"I'm bored Nana-cchi. Can you just let me go to your practice sessions? "

"I'm telling you there is no way that I am allowing you to set foot onto the track field baka-Ryo. You'll just ruin the practice session." Nanami's answer left Ryo whine and whine the whole lunch time.

"Geez. I really don't get it how the two of you are related. Being twins even. You two have nothing in common with each other. Well, except for the colour of your irises." Nanami's friend; Sakura, a girl with a short dark brown hair muttered out to the siblings as they were dining on to their lunch with compromises of simple handmade bento boxes and a few loaves of melon bread and yakisoba bread.

But basically, what Sakura had said does make a point. Kise Ryota, a well-known pretty boy who has natural blond hair that framed his face and also his height that is considered over the average height for a normal middle scholar which also explains how he is on the covers of multiple magazines at a young age. The young fellow only attracts people attention when he walked past. And then there is Kise Nanami, a girl with a slender build body, her height a bit in contrast to her brother as when she sat up straight, her head only reach over to his shoulders. Her crown is in a dazzling shade of black and its length halts just a few centimetres after her shoulders. While Kise Ryota makes heads turn, Kise Nanami have to shout for attention, not that she wanted any. The only resemblance these twins have with each other is simply their honey-coloured iris. Though Ryo's honey orbs are flashed to others, Nanami's honey orbs are obscured by her second pair of eyes.

"It's a good thing that we didn't look like each other. I'll kill myself if we do."

"Nana-cchi! That's cruel~" once again ignoring her twin brother, Nanami focused onto the book in her left hand while her right hand that is holding chopsticks hovers above her bento.

"You have your own practice to attend, baka-Ryo. Won't your coach kill you if you skip a practice session again?"

"Coach won't mind."

"Oh really? And you are sure that your captain and teammates won't have any say about it though?" just by mentioning the captain of the basketball team, her brother froze. Just taking a glance of his reaction was enough for Nanami to achieve the answer she needed from her twin.

"You already know that they will certainly kill you if you miss practice again. They were lenient enough to excuse you from practice whenever you have a schedule on your hands."

"Fine." Ryota was left pouting while Nanami pulled a light smile.

"I'll wait for you until you finished your practice. Is that fair enough?"

"YES!" gleaming with satisfaction, Ryota agreed, leaving Nanami's mouth to curve up even more.

"Still, I can't believe that you're the younger twin Nanami."

"There's just a lot of things in this world that makes no sense Sakura. I can tell you that."


"On my mark. Get set." As the sound of the whistle being blown resonated across the track field, half a dozen or runners dashed through the course in their respective section. In line 3, trying to keep up with her other peers, Nanami input her all in her 200 metre sprint. She started slow but as she reached the 150 metre mark, she pushed forward by using the energy that she had conserved beforehand for the last 50 metre sprint. Even with all that effort, Nanami was only able to secure the second place. Again.

"Kisaragi-senpai. That wasn't fair. You said that you'll lower your power by 50%! You used 100 % just now!" a girl with brown long hair whined in exhaustion as all the 6 runners gathered by the finish line to catch a breath or two after their practice.

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