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Decisions that we make, at times we are proud of it. At times we often regret them. And there are times when we contemplated about the decision itself. As for now, that is what Kise Nanami is doing. Contemplating her decision of saying yes to the offer of being the manager of the basketball team.

She was so sure yesterday when she agreed to it and now she is being her usual indecisive self.

"What is wrong Nana-cchi? You look disturbed." Kise asked as he grabbed his bentou box. Nanami said nothing as she got rid of her apron, hanging it where it is always placed.

"Ryo. I said yes to Tetsu's preposition." Kise who was gulping down on his orange juice almost choked on his drink.

"You did what?!"

"I said yes. And now I am confused whether what I am signing myself into is something that is the right thing."


"Ryo. The scars are still there. Things that happened two years ago are still fresh in my mind. Basketball had broken us all Ryo. Kiseki no Sedai, you boys, the team, our friendship and... Akashi." Even though the last one was only being whispered by Nanami, Kise heard it loud and clear.

"Nanami. Those things are in the past. All of the team members had all gone our own separate ways. Nothing can be done to fix it. I know that you wanted things to go back how they used to be but it is impossible to be done Nana-cchi."

"But- Ryo..."

"I know how bad you want things to the way it was but I'm sorry to say that it is close to being impossible. The members are scattered all across the nation and the only time when we do see each other is during tournaments. Yet the few words that will be exchanged then is at a minimum level since all of us will be too focused on the game."

"I know that Ryo. I know that well enough. But have it never occurred to you that maybe, just maybe that things can turn back to the way it was?"

"I can't lie to you and say that never happened but to be honest Nana-cchi... things like that often pooped up in my head. But however it goes, it just doesn't add up."

"Not if something or someone can change that." Instantly the shadow and the red- giant came into view. Just by the sight of the two playing together during the match between Shinkyou and Seirin is enough to persuade her to accept the proposal of her being Seirin's manager, she have faith that the possibility of things are able to be changed is higher if it is up to those two.


"I've made my mind now. Thanks for nothing Ryo." With that, Nanami grabbed her things, put on her shoe then proceed to the train station. This time she is finally confirmed with her decision. No matter what, she is not going to back out on this one.


Apparently she arrived at the school gate just a nick of time. Just a minute to being late. Knowing fully well that Nogizaka-sensei hate his students to be tardy especially for homeroom, she strived to go to class as fast as she could since she can't possibly broke into a sprint or any form of running or anything that will give strain to her leg muscles.

Though she hate the fact that she can no longer run as she used too but things are what they are. Though there are times she resented her actions that eventually lead to things are, but things happened for a reason. Though she still despise that the thing that trigger it all was what happened on that night. So, even when they all denied it, Nanami knows that it is all her fault.

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