Simple Days

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Teiko Middle

Teiko Middle has been known as one of the best private prep school in Japan and that reputation is the result of all the hard work that had been practiced by both the teachers and the students. Cramming all the intellectual figures into the students' heads is what the school is good at. Though, they never hinder the students themselves from leading a normal school life.

After all, those brilliant minds need their break sometimes and that is what the school festival is dedicated for. The one chance where the students were given one whole week not to be pressured with their studies or their grades. Considering the fact they had been doing nothing but studying and keeping up with the curriculums throughout the year, the school festival is considered as some sort of a blessing for Teiko students since they at least get a breather for the entire week.

But just because the festival is a breather does not mean that they did not take it seriously. Teiko Middle's school festival is after all one of the most awaited event in the area. They often throw such an amazing and impressive festival. What do you expect from a school filled with elite students?

The students are everywhere. Darting from one end of the school to another, running around to get their errands and work done. Every class is responsible for something for the festival and thus why the student council room is flooded with students that are clueless about certain things and needed some much needed advise from the council.

Only 3 more days in counting to the school festival and everything is a mess with the students flooding the student council's room in hopes of getting some advices from the President of the Student Council himself but even when they asked the rest of the members of the Student Council about the President's where-a-bouts, none of them can actually give them the answer simply because they too have no idea where he had gone.

Little did they know that the President was having his much needed break at the rooftop with a companion that he actually dragged along with him despite her protest.

"You know those kids are going to get mental if I am not back in class to boss them around." Though this sounds unreasonable but yes, Kise Nanami is bossy which unexpectedly made the class crowned her as the project manager for the upcoming book café that their class had planned. Her bossiness that usually stresses her brother to no end is the thing that made her as the perfect leader for the plan thus as the festival draws near, it may be a mayhem for the class without her there.

"10 more minutes." was his answer and Nanami knew her boyfriend well enough not to even try to object anymore. It is not like she would win anyway. So she only shook her head as she sighed in defeat. Akashi Seijuro was drained from all of the pressure of the school festival and also from all of the work that has been piled on his desk since the week began. Plus being the one that the students refer for advices is adding more to his already heavy work-load. Not that he ever complained about it. But he is after all human and he needs his rest.

Since the rooftop is the only place where none of the students would visit at this time, it is the perfect place and he also dragged his personal cushion along. Just a few minutes under the blue sky with his head resting comfortably on Nanami's lap and just a few seconds, Akashi Seijuro was already sleeping.

Nanami's right hand was already softly brushing through Akashi's red mane while her left held her notebook where all the calculations about the funds and the flow of expenses was written in that small pocket-size notebook as she did the rough calculations in her head. Though she was positive that the figures were dead on but she still need to calculate them again with a calculator when she gets back just to make sure that it was right.

She need to check with the boys about the ingredients for the beverages as well as check in with the girl on the count of sweets that they have already baked and packed. Plus she need to check with Sakura which happens to be her assistant about the number of books that they have already gathered from their classmates. Also she was also thinking about which books that she is going to donate for the café. So much thing to do in such a short amount of time.

"You really need to stop frowning." So it was 10 minutes already.

"There is too much to do that I am afraid that I can't do that." Was her answer in which Akashi smiled at. Always the one with a retort to almost everything.

"Are you sure you're okay Sei? Your eye bags would even put the pandas to shame." Akashi shrugged and that itself serves as an answer. Again, Nanami frowned. "You need to stop pressuring yourself Akashi Seijuro."

"I can handle it Nanami. Besides, you should heed to your own advice." Nanami rolled her eyes. It is true that she too is pressuring herself a bit too much due to her being the project manager but that is just a miniscule of what Akashi had in his hands.

"Sei. You're the student body president and  the basketball team's captain. Not to mention you're super hard on yourself regarding the lessons and your revisions. You need to take some time off and relax a bit. You can't keep pushing yourself like this. It'll affect your health!"

"I have enough rest."

"Your eye bags said otherwise."

"Nanami. I can manage. Besides, I have my stress-reliever anytime I need." At this Nanami blushed and Akashi smirked as the rave head tried to hide her red-tinted cheeks from his sight.

"That's it you two. It's almost 20 minutes, if either of you is not out through this door by the next 10 seconds, I'll kick the door from its hinges!" the older one of the Kise twins hollered from the other side from which Nanami sighed and swore that she would out an end to her brother's life sooner or later.

Akashi though reluctantly, took that as a cue as he got his head off Nanami's lap and stood up, dusting the invisible dust off his jacket and trousers and after he was done, he held out his hand to help Nanami stood up. The two was already halfway to the door when the door was kicked open from the other side. Kise Ryota was looking at the two of them suspiciously while Kuroko Tetsuya could only sigh at his friend's rash action.

"What were-"

"Nothing happened! As usual! Why on earth we would do anything improper in school and at the rooftop even???!!! Kise Ryota, I am ashamed to admit you are my twin brother at times." Nanami said with a murderous glare sent to her brother's way before she stormed to her own leaving the three boys.

Akashi on the other hand raised his eyebrows at Kuroko as if asking why he didn't stop Kise Ryota in the first place.

"He was too much of an idiot to even listen." Was the answer and Akashi nodded, accepting Kuroko's reasoning. He looked over Kise who was already on the verge of fright due to Nanami's glare and he was half-expecting Akashi to do the same.

But Akashi has no intention of doing so. Not when he knows a better punishment.

"Meet me in the Student Council's room after the last bell. You need to pay for the destruction that you had done." He said before he walked past his two teammates leaving Kise sighed in regret and sobbing to Kuroko who seem that he can't care less.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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