Competition:Jackson and Amanda Part 1

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A/N Hey (whoever is reading this), I hope you like this one-shot that I have created. This is dedicated to Dxydream0! Hope you like it! :)

Amanda is a professional dancer that has never lost a single competition. She gets angry easily and has many friends, and very few enemies.
Amanda's POV
" Do it!!" Chelsea screamed
" No, I don't wanna'' I whined
Ugh, Chelsea has to stop asking me to be in dance competitions. Every single day, she begs and begs. I mean, she's a great dancer herself but nooo, she won't budge unless I go. I honestly do feel bad for her since I know she really wants to be in a competition. The only reason why is because of something that happened just a few years ago.
"Come on, let's go! We're going to be late!!" Chelsea shouted
"Ok, Ok I'm coming!!!" I said
When we arrived at the competition, I noticed three tall guys surrounded by girls and bodyguards. I wondered what all the fuss was about until I saw one of their faces. It was like heaven on a face (jk! :) ) But seriously, who were they? Maybe they were the judges, nah probably some sort of famous people wanting to get some other kind of award that they don't have yet.

During the competition, I realized that I had made a huge mistake of entering. One of the three guys were competing and he was wayyyyyyy better than I was. I practiced in front of my dressing room and suddenly Chelsea barged in.
" Did you see that new guy?" She said
" What new guys?" I was beyond confused at this point.
" The one that just went, his name is Jackson Yi. He is part of a boy band named TFBOYS, do you seriously not know who they are???"
" Uh no?"
" Well you should get ready because he is one tough cookie to beat"
This just made me even more nervous then I actually was.

" Amanda Wong, please come on up on stage!" the MC yelled.
I ran out, full of nervousness and then I see the one of the three guys winking at me. It creeped me out so I immediately start the music and start dancing. After I finished, I took a huge bow and ran out.
3 hours later:
"And the runner-up is.....................................................
I was crestfallen at this announcement but then full of anger at the person that beat me.
" And now what you've all been waiting for, the winner of this dancing competition is.......................
Jackson Yi!!!!!!"
Jackson? THAT BOY BEAT ME?? THE "NEW GUY"?????? I couldn't believe it, I had trained over 4 years in dancing and the new guy just beats me, are you joking with me. I was furious, even Chelsea couldn't help me. I stormed up to Jackson's room and yelled at him. It was so humiliating because they were all laughing at me. Apparently they thought that a girl yelling at Jackson for winning is funny. I got out and vowed to never be in a competition ever again. Especially dancing ones'. From that day forward, I stopped doing competitions since every other dance competition, I had won. I couldn't believe that this one guy, this one guy, would beat me.

TFBOYS: One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon