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Ora will be played by Halsey. Like how she looked in this picture. The name is weird, but the full name, Orabelle, means water, so it's like a traditional tribe name


Another day passes by. My teachers don't give a shit about the amount of stress they cause for students. People at school taunting me for my lack of social ability towards the people who hate me. Hiding how you truly hate life right now from your parents. Parents who are trying to numb my emotions to where I feel nothing.

They say they are doing this to protect me and I understand that. We wouldn't want another breakdown like last year. After what happened last year, I stopped talking to basically everyone except Ora, Calum and my family. Flashbacks flash through my head and I have to stop. I hear rain drops hit my window. Stop it. Don't think. I put my hands on my head, trying to suppress the memories.

"Luke come on" he says and holds out his hand. I smile and grab it. He pulls me into the garden and kisses me. His kisses are my favorite thing. I feel something hit my leg, but he just holds me tighter. I shrug it off and keep kissing him. Then his lips leave mine, leaving me confused..

"Luke!" I look up to see Ora and Calum running into my room. Thunder strikes and the rain pours harder. Ora holds me in her arms and Calum tries to stop the rain with his powers. Nobody thought he would get powers with his brown eyes, but it happened. Same with Ora, but her naturally blue hair gave away her spot as a tribe member. Tears escape my eyes as Ora shushes me and runs her hands through my hair. She starts to sing softly and I calm down. The rain is slowing to a drizzle, but doesn't stop. I guess it's just going to be one of those days.

"It still hurts so much," I say after some times. I don't even know how those two stand to be around me. I am so depressing and constantly am upset over something that happened over year ago. My powers came about three years ago and I still can't control them. They're harder to control because I have trouble controlling my emotions. I have always had trouble with emotions, but it skyrocketed when he came into my life at the end of sophomore year. I became a senior a month ago. Plus, it doesn't help being one of the only people in the tribe with electrical powers.

Calum rubs my back. "We are always here for you, Luke," he says. "Now we have to go to school." I groan in annoyance when realizing I have to deal with them. The people who judge me for barely speaking. "I know, but hey, maybe something good will happen, maybe you'll meet a cute guy," he says with a smirk and I roll my eyes. Everybody knows what happened last year. Well, their version of it. Nobody would waste their time with the truth and even the truth wouldn't change it.

The three of us walk to school and see a boy that no one has seen before walk out of the office. Blonde hair in a fringe? Eyebrow piercing and tattoos. Damn, that's edgy. He's insanely attractive and looks extremely lost. He looks up and notices me staring. I go to turn away, but he just smirks at me staring. His eyes catch mine and they're an enchanting green. He is walking our way. "Is it that obvious that I'm new here?" he says with a chuckle.

"A little bit," I spit out. "Uh, I'm Luke. The girl with blue hair is Orabelle, but call her that and she will chop your dick off. And the Asian is Calum," I say earning a slap from Calum.

"I'm not Asian, I don't even look Asian," he says trying to convince the new boy. New boy just laughs with his eyes squeezed shut until he can't breathe. That's kind of cute. He resembles a kitten, in a way.

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