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Luke's POV

Michael is pretty cool so far. He's been sticking to my side all day and it's really clingy, but kind of cute how nervous he is. But he would never admit that. You can catch a lot about somebody from being around them all day.

He is always tapping his foot, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring to go to class. Along with that, he's clicking his pen or tapping his pencil against the desk. It gets quite annoying after three minutes, but nobody will say anything to him. He tries to pay attention to the teacher, but ends up doodling and noticing I'm staring at him. He just smirks and winks before repeating the routine again.

Michael's birthday is November 20th, which is in like a month. He lives with his mum, dad, and cat, Addy. He volunteers at the animal shelter every Sunday morning and convinces people to adopt cats, even if they come for dogs. He's apparently really convincing. He loves video gaming and gardening, using the food he grows to make food, because he loves cooking. He hopes to become a chef with his own restaurant someday.

I sound so creepy, but he's really interesting and I want to figure him out. He's hiding something and is really mysterious. In our last class, the bell rings and we walk out together. Before I head to Ora and Calum, Michael stops me and grabs my phone.

I go to question him, but he quickly hands my phone back to see that his number is saved and he sent himself a message. "Text me later?" He asks while rocking on the heels of his feet. I nod and he tells me, "I have to go do something with my parents, so I will see you tomorrow. Thanks for like, putting up with me all day," and gives me a quick hug. As fast as he hugs me, it's over and he's getting into a car with what I'm assuming belongs to his parents.

I walk over to Ora and Calum. They are giving me this weird look and Cal is squiggling his eyebrows. "No, don't even," I say before they say what I know they will.

"Luke, c'mon. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him all day," Ora starts.

"So? He's new and I'm curious," I say and it's true. I want to know him.

"Luke. It didn't rain all day and it's not cloudy. For the first time in a long time, it's not cloudy," Calum says gesturing to the sky and Ora nodding along.

"It rained this morning, dumbass," I try to get them to recall.

"It stopped when you saw him. From the second you saw him, you just got this look and it got sunny. It rained a little after that, but I'm assuming somebody bothered you or Michael," Ora points out.

"Both of us got interrogated by Hayden. So Michael slayed his ass and he left," I say chuckling at the memory.

"You totally like him," Ora says poking my cheek. "Luke is finally growing up. Hopefully, this one is a keeper."

"Lukey found a guy and he's a keeper," Ora says pinching my cheeks. Calum and Ora just met him and they are being weird.

I roll my eyes. "It's just been a few weeks," I say laughing and smiling at the thought of him.

I swat it away and the sky is getting cloudy. Ora realized she brought it up and apologizes. "Come on, let's go get some pizza'" she says dragging me and Calum. We have a tradition to always go get pizza at Orabelle's. It's her family's pizza place and since she's an only child, she got the pizza place named after her.

We get there and get a whole pie. While it cooks, Calum and Ora talk, I just listen. I remember Michael and change his name, then texting him.

Me: hi mikey said I would text ya

I go back to listening and smile hearing a ding. I look down at my phone.

Badass Kitten: *cringes* YOUR GRAMMAR.

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