His house

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Authors note hey guys your probably wondering where I've been I've been busy with my life.And the pitcher is Jared Leto in Kings and Queens if you get chance to listen to it and 30 seconds to mars his band. And the video is a concept that he did and Shannon is Jarred's bother he plays the drums and Tomo is there guitarist
Erin/ace PoV

As we speed off I asked the joker where we were going and he said " you have find out" I nodded my head and asked "can I put some music on ?"he nodded as a yes then a 30 seconds to mars song came on it was kings and Queen, (listen to the song first if you can't you have to read this later) I started to sing along and the joker looked and smile . Soon as the song ended he said " so you like 30 seconds to mars?" I said " yeah you look a little bit like Jared Leto" he raised a brow at like I had two heads " really ,okay if that's what you think that is okay " then his voice got a little deep " don't say that again you got it?" "Yes sir" I say with a scared voice

Hey this a preview for the next chapter p.s I'm sorry for not updating for a while I had a lot on my plate again my apologies for the late chapter

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