13 reasons why

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This is something I wrote on tumblr and I'm sorry if I spoiled anything for anyone

The Mr Porter and Hannah scene is a bit like a personal experience of mine, how Mr Porter says "their leaving in a few months" and "Forget about it and let it go ".... I was bullied for my hair for my hair cut you three girls who where older than me called me a lesbian because of my hair cut and my school didn't do any for 5 week (those 5 weeks where filled with empty promises and my faith in my school was decreasing ) and then one of my teachers who was supposed to lift my spirits and he (the teacher) didn't lift my spirits, all he did was just break me and how he did it was that he said "not to draw attention to yourself and don't act on your emotions " When he said don't draw attention to myself, all I could think of was 'should I grow my hair out' and here's the kicker the teacher said "don't worry about them their leaving in a few weeks" that made me lose almost all my faith in school in that moment. After school that day I got in my parents car (when the three girls said that about my hair it happened on the bus and I wasn't going back on the bus until it was sorted out ) and I told my mum what happened and I cried and a few days later I broke down and cried and I didn't go back to school for another week.

This scene in the show reflects on my own experience with bullying. I've been :
-Cyber bullied
-Emotional broken
-called names
-being called dumb by a teacher
-I have thought about self harm before( I haven't done anything)
-I have issues with being close to people because I've been used before and I've said the wrong thing before

I know you are probably sick of hear this but please please please tell some one it will help

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