His house

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authors note: Hey I'm a little hung over but I'm not dead ( I'm on my laptop here my new laptop)

Erin/Ace PoV

As we speed off we laugh , I asked where we are going and he said" You'll find out soon love" I nodded my head as a yes then I ask " can I put the radio on ?" he nodded as the I turn it on 30 second to mars comes on it was Kings and Queen (see what I did there cause there the King and Queen of crime) I started to sing along I turn to the joker and smile. soon as the song ended the Joker said " so you like 30 seconds to mars ?" I said "Yeah you look a little bit like Jared Leto " he raised a brow at me like I grow two heads " really okay then if that's what you think that's okay " then his voice got deeper " don't say that you got it ?" "yes sir" I say with a scared voice.

The rest of the ride was quite nothing but the radio on as we go down the streets of Gotham , the Joker stopped at an big mansion but it looks scruffy but it was still modern I look at the joker socked he looked at my face and say " Not what you expected right" he helped me out his car I flipped my hair out of my face, my tattoo that is on forehead it says Broken but it cover it most of the time so people don't get scared of me, as Mr J pushes the door open the doors they give a loud creak it echoes though the mansion soon as I enter the was a load of boxes and diagrams and a TV was on reporting a young woman got kidnapped by the Joker 'me' then there was a big stair case it was wooden and beautiful Mr J turned to me and asks " do you wan to see your room now or later?"  I say " please Mr J if it's not to much trouble" he says" of course not love " as we clime the stairs Mr J suddenly says " why do you keep calling me Mr J love ?" I turn to him and say " that's for me to know and you to  ....

Authors not: hope you liked and please give me your theory's about what's going to happen like and comment please

Mr J : Hello everyone if you don't like and comment I will come personally come and find you then kill you

Wolfpire13: whoa J that's a little dark but I don't mind just don't say it again

Ace: Mr J please be careful what you say or I'll have to punish you

Mr J: can't wait love

Ace: Oh you will love it Mr J

Wolfpie13: okay bye

Ace&Mr J:( kisses each other) bye everyone and keep smiling

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