Francis x Male reader Alone

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Authors note- my friend told me she'd read this. Not excited for that. Anyways enjoy the francy pants being a buttface

The young (hair colour) male walked through the darkened park. He did this whenever he felt depressed or worried about something. (Name) and his boyfriend,Francis, where having another fight. This time it was over the fact (Name) spent more of his time with his studies then his lover. (Name) sighed as he walked wishing he didn't have to put up with the responsibilities of becoming an adult. It began to become increasingly darker. So (Name) decided it was a good time to go back to his apartment.

~~time skip brought to you by my cat~~

(Name) opened the door only to be greeted by Francis sitting down waiting for him. "Where were you?" The french man spoke. "I went for a walk" (Name) stated calmly. Francis stood up and approached his boyfriend. "By yourself?" The (hair colour) boy could tell Francis had lit a cigarette. "Yes I went for a walk in the park." The french man pulled (Name) into a tight hug. "It's dark out mon amour* you could 'ave gotten hurt." (Name) hugged Francis back only to be shoved away. "Do you realise how much I worry for you?"

(Name) stood there thinking of a response. "I would have been fine Francis. It was just the park its not even that far away." (Name) tried to move past only for his arm to be grabbed by Francis. "Zhuh tem* (Name) and I worry about you a lot. You hardly sleep because your studying and you don't act like you used to. You need a other. C'est pour toi que je suis là.*" (Name) felt the tears welling in his eyes and slipping.

"I'm sorry" the (hair colour) male said, his voice filled with sadness. "(Name), I'm sorry I was mad at you earlier." (Name) laughed at this. "I should be the one who's sorry. I make you worry and then I leave. I must be a pretty bad boyfriend." Francis snaked his arms around (Name)s waist and pulled him close. "No no Mon amour* you had the right to leave."

The two stood there and held each other. "You hair smells nice today." (Name) broke the hug and started laughing. He held his sides as the other male stood there confused. Francis eventually joined in on the laughing. "What did I say?" (Name) tried to calm down to explain only to laugh more. Eventually he stopped and kissed his lovers cheek. " you sometimes say the weirdest things."
Authors note- yo howdy its been awhile since ive talked to yall. Anyways the list that is going down is going to be. Germany,Italy, Canada, and another Prussia because damn I love that albino bastard.
*mon amour means my love
* C'est pour toi que je suis là means I am here for you
*je t'aime means I love you

hetalia x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now