Scotland x male reader halloween

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(Name) looked through his closet for something to wear for Halloween. He was to old for trick-or-treating so he would hand out candy instead. But this year his room mate was going to a party and invited (Name) to come with him. (Name) found his costume and put it on. He decided this year he would go as a werewolf.

He heard a knock on his door. "Oi were leavin' soon so hurry up." He heard his roommate yell. (Name) grumbled and put in the ears. "Well maybe if you didn't ask so suddenly if I wanted to go I would've been finished!" (Nane) retorted, annoyed. (Name) opened the door and stared at the other. "You gotta be kidding me." The red head grumbled. Both males were wear dressed as werewolves. "One of us could change?" (Name) suggested checking out Scotland.

The red head smirked as he caught (Name)s wondering eyes.
"Well its too late now, come on I'll drive." (Name) followed Scotland to his car. He got in the passenger seat as Scotland was starting the car. "My brothers are going to be there." Scotland stated lighting a cigarette and rolling down his window. "That's good I haven't seen Arthur in a while." (Name) cheered as Scotland sulked. "Why do you like him or something?" Scotland said slowing down at a stop sign.

"No, well yes. As a friend I like him. But as anything other I'm not sure." The two made idol chat till they arrived at the destination. Scotland dragged (Name) inside and threw open the door. "I would suggest staying with me." Scotland stated searching the small crowd for his brothers. "Well I don't really know anyone else." (Name) said still holding Scotland's hand from when he dragged him.

Scotland noticed and squeezed his hand. "That's good." He mumbled walking over to one of his friends. "Alfred have you seen my brother." The male in question smiled. "Yeah dude, bushy brows is in the backyard. You is this the guy you had a crush on. I told ya you had nothing to worry about." (Name) blushed and so did Scotland.

"Wheres the backyard?" Scotland asked trying to leave before Alfred embarrassed him more. Alfred motioned to the backyard and went back to what he was doing. The two walked in the direction before (Name) stopped them in the hall which was empty. He looked at Scotland. Their faces were still flushed as Scotland braced himself for what was coming. "Do you like me?" (Name) said quiet enough so only Scotland could hear him. Scotland muttered out a few incoherent words till (Name) stopped him.

"It's a yes or no question?" Scotland looked at the floor. "I do" his face flushed more. He waited for (Name) to leave or call him weird. But instead he felt a pair of soft lips brush up against his. Before he could react (Name) pulled away blushing like crazy. "I like you too." He stuttered out and began to walk to the backyard. Scotland stood there in shock until smirking and following (Name).

The two found Arthur talking to a shorter male with black hair. Scotland approached them first. "Hey Arthur,hey Kiku." He said grabbing (Name)s hand and intertwining their fingers. He brought up the hands and showed them. "Arthur you know (Name) and Kiku this is my lovely boyfriend (Name) (last name)." He exclaimed and went on to kiss (Name)s cheek.

Arthur gave (Name) a questing look. (Name) just shrugged and blushed. Kiku brought out his camera. Scotland went for a kiss on the lips only to have Kiku's flash stop him. "Sorry I forgot to turn off the flash." Kiku said. (Name) laughed as Scotland looked at his brother. "Why did he bring that?" Arthur chuckled and shrugged too. "Alright the flash is off." Kiku said easing the camera up again. "Isn't it awkward to have someone taking pictures and someone just standing there?" (Name) said looking at Scotland." Japan brought his camera down and looked at England. "Well Arthur could leave." Scotland and England chuckled. (Name) stood confused as Scotland snuck a quick kiss and Kiku took a picture.
Authors note- I'm doing almost every country that celebrates Halloween. For day of the dead which is on November 1 and 2 I will be doing most of the countries that celebrate that.

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