Japan x male reader awkward

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Authors note- what if Japan was a sassy boy who drank a bunch of Starbucks.

"So your going back to Japan." (Name) said. "Yeah I don't know if I'll be back or anything." Kiku replied. "What's going to happen to us?" (Name) asked looking at Kiku. "I'm not sure." He replied. "I've never really been into the whole long distance relationship thing." (Name) said. "I've never been into the whole dating thing." Kiku replied. (Name) giggled only to become sad afterwards. "So I guess we won't really meet again will we." (Name) said. "I could probably come back or you could come visit me." Kiku said. "I just want to be with you." (Name) said as tears began to come up. "(Name) I really like you." Kiku said blushing. He grabbed onto (Name)s hand and squeezed. "I really want to make this work." Kiku finished. "I really like you too." (Name) said squeezing back. "Would you like to try a long-distance?" Kiku asked. "If it's with you I wouldn't mind." (Name) replied. Kiku smiled

~~timeskip of my beautiful tarantula~~

(Name) looked at his ringing phone waiting for it to stop. "(NAME) ANSWER YOUR PHONE!" his brother yelled. "Go eat a dick." (Name) replied continuing to let it ring. "All I wanted to do was watch youtube. I don't deserve this." (Name) said. The phone stopped only for it to ring a second later. (Name) sighed heavily and answered his phone. "Hi Alfred." (Name) said. "Hey (Name) I need you to go to the park." Alfred said sounding rushed. "Why." (Name) said. "Because dude this is important" Alfred said. "Okay but which park do you want me to go to?" (Name) asked. "The nice one" Alfred replied. "Oh yeah alright." (Name) said. "Alright just wait there for awhile." Alfred said. (Name) got up off his bed feeling excitement rush through him. He quickly changed his clothes and ran out the door. (Name) ran all the way to the park stopping a few times because he never runs. He finally arrived after a few stops and looked around. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. "Hey." (Name) said answering. "Are you here yet?" Alfred asked. "Yeah I'm not that slow." (Name) said. He was meet with silence on the other end. "Screw you Alfred." (Name) said. "Okay whatever go to the pond." Alfred replied. (Name) hung up and walked over to the pond. He looked around and spotted Alfred. "Yo what's up?" (Name) asked walking over. "I have a surprise for you." Alfred said using his jazz hands. "Kay." (Name) replied. "What is it." He finished. "More like who is it! Come out now contestant number one." Alfred said pointing to a tree. "Oh wait wrong tree I meant that one." Alfred said laughing. Kiku stepped out from the side waving at (Name). (Name) gasped and ran towards Kiku. (Name) grabbed kiku by his hips swinging him around. (Name) put Kiku back down and kissed him. "Wow this is awkward I almost forgot how great it is to be the third wheel." Alfred said. (Name) giggled as Kiku blushed. "I missed you." (Name) said kissing Kiku's cheek. "I missed you too." Kiku replied. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention something." Alfred said. "What." They both replied. My house all of a sudden burnt down so Kiku your stating with (Name) alright? Alright bye." Alfred said running. "I really hope he's not being serious." Kiku said. "Why?" (Name) replied. "Because my things are at his place." Kiku said. "Knowing Alfred he was probably the one to burn his house down." (Name) said.

Authors note- why can't a bicycle stand on its own? Because it's two-tired.

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