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     fog covered the air like a cloak while darkness crept through the fog. A spark flashed in the fog as the sounds of metal echoed through the crisp fall air behind the fog. Another flash happened as the fog started to clear owls were fighting. Talons covered in metal clashed causing a flash each time they collided. An owl ducked under the talon as it skimmed her helmet leaving a scratch in the iron helmet. She headbutted the attacker away before flying towards the ground and landed on a branch where another owl laid groaning in pain, his wing bent. "Krana you have to go! you have to return to the king and tell him of our defeat," the wounded owl said weakly as he looked at Krana, her face covered in fear as she spoke, "I don't want to lose you dad," she said as she lowered her head as the sounds of the battle thickened with metal clashing. He moved one of his talons and ran it along her cheek as he spoke his final words, "Please tell the king, he must know, this is my finial battle, if only your mother was here she would be proud, I am proud of yo-," his last word seeped out before his eyes glazed over. Krana picked up her father's head up as she looked at the limp body of her father, "I'll make you both proud," she said with a shaky voice before she took off into the air towards the fog, leaving behind the shattered remains of the battlefield and her former father's body. 

Krana broke from the fog to emerge in front of a giant tree that stretched and reached into the clouds. the branches raised high in the air with their leaves drooping downwards making a coat of leaves around the branches. She flew up to one of the openings in the tree, the hole leaded into a throne room the size of an oak tree, with an owl on a branch with his head held high he spoke asking to Krana, "what is the news Krana?" Krana panted as she shook her head catching her breath, "H-Hernis is dead a-along with his mate." "Than the traitor is dead," the owl said as he looked at the young owl with his golden yellow eyes. Krana cleared her throat before speaking, "but my Lord, Merune is still alive, h-he killed Flex." The king looked at Krana surprised and fearful. "He killed a mighty warrior now we have very little left to keep us safe, Merune is stronger than I thought," he said as he reared his head downwards to grief Flex's death in combat as he spoke, "your father will be missed Krana he was the best soldier we could ask for." "I know," Krana said as she closed her eyes.

Owls Hawks and Bats (Book;1) Falling KingdomsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora