Chapter 5

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    Krana took Shatter back to their chamber where she settled down in the nest as Shatter hopped around her chirping happily, "When am I going to be able to help the kingdoms?" "You'll help the kingdoms when you go through all the jobs in the kingdoms," Krana said as she gently rested her wing on his shoulder. "Will I be a warrior like you mom?" Shatter asked tilting his head, his eyes shining warmly in joy and excitment as he asked, "When will that be?" "Soon Shatter soon you'll be able to see all the jobs that'll be open for you," Krana smiled as she looked at Merune's mask as she spoke, "and you'll be wearing your father's mask, to undo what he made." Shatter let out a happy hoot as he chirped, "I'm so excited I'm going to do my best and make you and father proud, I promise!" Krana smiled at Shatter as she could feel her heart warmed up with happiness and proud of him as she spoke, "I'm already proud of you son." "Thank you mommy," Shatter said looking up at her as he settled up close to her, "you're the best, mom." He slowly fell asleep leading up onto her but she smiled happily. "Sleep well Shatter, soon you'll have your job found," Krana said as she held him close to her closing her own eyes, letting the darkness of her sleep take over. 

"Wake up mommy," Shatter chirped waking Krana up. She opened her yellow eyes and blinked looking at Shatter giving a yawn. "Okay okay Shatter, I'm up," she said with a warm smile. Krana stretched her wings out while she stepped out of the nest looking at Shatter who was already awake and ready to see all the jobs their was that he would be able to see. "Now remember stay close to the other owlets and don't stray," Krana said motherly to him. "I know I know mom, follow the group and listen to the tour guide," Shatter said a bit annoyed but excitedly. "Good now go sweetie," Krana said as she nudged him towards the entrance. He chirped in surprise but he went towards the entrance of their chambers; right before he flew off towards the other owlets. Krana smiled as she settled down in her nest and quickly went back to sleep.

Owls Hawks and Bats (Book;1) Falling KingdomsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora