Chapter 2

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   Krana flew towards her lord's chambers which the owlet in her talons feeling sad for the poor owlet. She flew down and landed on a branch in front of the king as she bowed setting the owlet down. "I am assuming Merune is dead correct? and who is this owlet?" "My lord, this owlet was found at Merune and his mate's den we only found out when it was too late," Krana said looking down holding the shaking owlet as she looked at her king and asked, "can I make a suggestion?" He gave her a nod; she nodded back before saying the suggestion, "with your permission I wish to take this owlet as my son so he may have at least a mother and a care take to prevent anymore war." He paused than looked at Krana, "what is or will his name be than?" "I believe Shatter is a good name," Krana said as she bowed, he let out a sigh before speaking, "alright Krana, than from this moment on till Shatter is a full grown owl you will be a nursing owl to him and only him." "Thank you my lord I will do what I can to clear his family's name to raise him as a warrior to be loyal to the owl kingdoms," Krana said her heart warmed knowning this was her only chance to be a mother. Shatter shacked next to Krana while she wrapped her wing around him, the king spoke to her with a stricken face as he spoke, "I trust you'll try your best but I have a feeling he may follow in the traitor's past if he doesn't know who his real father and mother are." Krana felt sick thinking of how cruel Merune was but she couldn't see the traitor in Shattered besides the eyes which burned a deep reddish orange. "Come now son," Krana said as she picked Shatter up and flew quickly through the tunnels inside the tree to her chambers. Her chambers was lit, her mother and father's helmets hanged on the walls with her fallen brother's their weapons set neatly near the bookshelf her nest was average size; but she knew that one day she'd be a mother. She sat down in her nest resting Shatter next to her as she gently fixed his feathers. He quickly fell asleep snug against Krana as she whispered, "I will do what I can for you, son."

Owls Hawks and Bats (Book;1) Falling KingdomsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant