Chapter 4

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    Light filtered into the feast chamber onto the huge table; hundreds of owls at the table ready to feast. Krana lead Shatter to a separate table, she didn't want Shatter to hear about Merune and what he had done to the kingdoms. Krana sat their as an owl flew over her white feathers were beautiful in the light and her voice was silk compared to most females, "Hello sis, is this Shatter?" Shatter hid behind Krana as she looked at her twin sister who was always the good looking one, but Krana cleared her throat and spoke to her sister, "Yes Shrana this is Shatter my son." "Well do you mind if I sit with you both? I miss talking with you in the forge," Shrana said as she tilted her head a bit to Krana. "Of course Shrana, you know I trust you and you are the queen your with our king," Krana chirped proud of her sister. "We are still dating but you and I know his second queen is who he loves, I'm his precious trophy, I sometimes don't see why I'm with him," Shrana's voice sounded pain filled and stressed, but Krana knew her sister was just stressed from all that's been happening, but she spoke softly, "Shrana, you and I both know that's not true your more than a trophy and your more smarter than most others, I think you in the forge is always great I mean you made my armor." Shrana sighed and nodded as she grabbed some of the food from a passing owl and spread it out for Krana and Shatter before she continued, "Krana, have you ever noticed what has been happening? especially in the forge?" "What are you talking about?" Krana asked tilting her head to her skilled sister. "I mean the king is making us forgers use cheaper and weaker metals instead of the standard metals," Shrana said sighing. Krana looked at Shrana while Shatter looked at the both and asked, "did my dad use standard metals?" "No shatter your father used one of the strongest metals and the hardest metal to work with it's known as black-steel stronger than a diamond but lighter than iron and wood," Shrana chirped to him while he looked at her with his big amber mixed with red eyes. "Who knows you might become a Forger too," Shrana said sounding proudly to him. He ate with Krana as she spoke, "I want him to choose what he wishes to become, I believe in him." Shrana nodded while she ate with them. 

Owls Hawks and Bats (Book;1) Falling KingdomsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora