Chapter 1

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Krana flew through the air passing between huge sandstone walls. Two owls followed her through the canyon keeping up with one another. Krana looked down seeing the huge river running on the bottom of the canyon. "Krana remember no sight seeing," Said one of the owls who was leading the way. Krana looked up at him saying with her chirp, "sorry Jet." Jet rolled his eyes while they kept traveling through the canyon. Krana sighed as she looked onwards as the sounds of the sea clashing with the walls echoed through the canyon. "Jet, when do you think our lord will decide to make an egg with his mate," asked the other owl of the group. "Hopefully soon our kingdoms won't stay together at this rate," Jet said as he kept end flying but didn't look back. Karna kept up with flashes of the day when her father was dying on the branch after being stuck down. Her mind was clouded with the grief of what she's lost, deep down she was grieving for everything she lost. "We are nearing the kingdom of the rebellions, keep your guard up," Jet said as they saw a forest ahead Krana took a deep breath seeing her once home land now an enemy kingdom. Her memories flashed into her mind as they past her old tree. Her talons felt ready to rip into her enemies. She was trying to think of who Merune was. "Any ideas who this Merune really is," Krana asked looking at Jet. "No but all we know is he wears a metal black-steel mask," Jet said whiel leading the way through the forest as he spoke, "we are close to his tree prepare your selves remember we have to kill him at any cost," said the other owl. Krana nodded as she narrowed her eyes at the tree ahead. She soon could see the out line of two owls, in the tree. They bursted into the tree, Jet flew and knocked a Merune down and his metal mask flew off and onto the ground reviling a scarred up faced hawk. The other owl of the group pinned him down while Jet grabbed Merune's throat in his talon. The other owl flew straight at the other owl in the tree, a female, obviously Merune's mate. Krana sat at the entrance shocked as Jet tighten his grip on Merune's throat, till Merune went limp and his sides stopped moving. Jet let go as the female flung the owl off her and into Krana knocking her over bonking her head, everything was a blur for a second till she blinked and saw an owlet, cowering behind his nest shocked with fear. Krana gasped seeing the owlet and it hit her like a rock. She got up and turned to see the female's body on the ground limp and lifeless. Krana's heart shattered as her memory of her mother's death flooded her, but she turned around and drooped her wings around the owlet who was shaking in fear. the owl in their group asked to Krana, "An owlet?" "We should kill him, he could bring another war!" Jet said as he approached Krana and the owlet but she shielded the owlet as she spoke, "stop Jet! He has done nothing wrong!" The owlet looked up at her with fear in his eyes. Jet huffed but cleared his throat, "fine but you'll have to convince our lord and if he accepts this owlet he'll be your responsibility." He got to the entrance unfolding his wings as he commanded, "Now let us get out of here!" He took off with the fellow owl, Krana picked up the owlet and carried him in her talons as she flew after them.

Owls Hawks and Bats (Book;1) Falling KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now