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Letting go.

Letting go and just accepting that you were gone was the hardest part but honestly I still think I still haven't completely let go.

I miss you. Even after marriage and kids and everything in between, I miss you.

It broke my heart when you weren't the one at the other end of the aisle. But I loved Jack, or so I thought.

At that moment I realized that I did love Jack but I missed you, but I also still loved you.

My life was so messed up and my feelings were out of whack.

It was as if my brain and my heart were at a constant war.

The voices in my head screaming loudly at me to stop and choose one.

But I couldn't.

You made that decision easy I guess, you left and that just left me and Jack.

But you left based on lies.

My husband lied to you and I was too blind to put those two together.

I thought you were just mad about everything that happened at Melissa's wedding.

Now as a 41 year old woman I understand.

Jack explained it to me after the wedding and as you guessed I was furious.

I wouldn't talk to him for days and then I relapsed back into calling you.

No one would pick up.

And that left guilt and anger in me.

I took out the parts about her having children bc it was starting to complicate the story. Hope u understand!

13 Things I Wanted to Say to the One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now