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I would lastly like to thank you for leaving me.

Yes you read that right.

Because if you didn't leave then I wouldn't have found love again with Jack. I wouldn't have become the person I am today without you. You will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Thank you for all the many little things you've done for me. Being the person I could talk to and helping me become a better person.

But most importantly....

Thank you for teaching me that life goes on. With or without us.

Those were my 13 things I wanted to say to you, the one that got away.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to actually put this letter in your hand. And actually mean everything I just said.

Tell you that I'm happy that we went our separate paths and then have the proper closure I've been wanting since the informal breakup over 10 years ago.

But until then,

I still love you.

From the stupid for who broke your heart.

-Megan Brewer.


Thank you all so much for all of your support I love all of you! Yes this is the end of the story maybe I'll write a epilogue but I don't know. But thank you again for all the support!!
(Also really sorry for just randomly posting all the chapters again! They were out of order somehow.)

13 Things I Wanted to Say to the One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now