Chapter eleven

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'ding' the door sounded as i made my way into the cafe.

I looked around the almost abandon Stabucks to see no teenage girl in sight. I sighed and took a booth closest to the window.

After almost twenty minutes of waiting around,the door dinged,i looked up to see a girl,probally around the age of 22,wearing a black,tight tank top,skinny jeans and red open toed pumps.Her hair was a tie between brown and blonde.(picture on side)

I walked up to her polietly. She slipped the raybans of her face and looked me up and down,disgusted.

"Hello, im Asha,the boys reputation manager." I said holding out my hand, suddenly the disgusted look faded and was replaced with a look of shock.

"You are there manager?"She asked,with a raised eyebrow.

"Reputation ,yes." I lied.

"Oh,so you get to spend almost everyhour with the heart throbs?" She asked slowly.

"Yeah,thats what the contract tells me!" I said cheerfully.

"Where do i apply?"She screeched then began to laugh.After relizing it was a joke,and she wasnt being serious,i laughed.

"So what am i here for?"She asked,her expression flipping to bored.puh-lease,who do you think you are?

"How about we talk about that as soon as i get my self a latte" I winked. So ive never actually had a latte,it just sounded like something a reputation manager would say,not that ive ever met one.

She nodded and stood up and began to shake her hips roughly,other wise known as walking. I tried to copy her foot steps but failed.I gave up and paced up next to her as she flirted with the guy behind the counter.

He was probally way to old for either of us.He had a mop of curly brown hair and broud shoulders,showing he has some outer muscle underneath that apron.

After he handed us our lattes,we walked to another table,further to the back,as our past one was now being sat in by what looked like an eighty year old man.

"Right,so listen.We think it would be best if you and Harry were to go seperate ways."I stated 'sadly'.

She chocked on her latte and gave me a questioning look.

"Your kidding me right?Harry will never allow it." She said confidently shaking her head.

"Sweetie,but he already has,he said that he is just not ready for a commited relationship.Its the best,for both of you."I stated.

"You people dont know $hit.Harry loves me.So get out of my love life,you sick headed lunatic"She screeched and ran out,pulling up her revealing shirt in the process.

Well that went rather well.I pulled my phone from my pocket and pressed compose new message.

To:Curly Frie Styles

Hey,so im not too sure how well this turned out.Ill explain later:(

Then i relized i am in the middle of starbucks,alone.

To:Sexy Beastxxxx

Im going to take a wild guess and say this is Louis?

From:Sexy Beastxxxx

Yep,what may i do for you madame?

I changed the contact ID to Louis! as i didnt want to get confused.You know,there are just some many Sexy Beasts on this world.

Than a thought occured.


How did i get your number???


Your a deep sleeper;)x


Just what i need,you sneaking around when im sleeping! Ps. Tell Liam to pick me up here whenever your done!!


Will do,fair maiden<3p.s, Li, will text you the deats gurrrllfriieenddddd;)

I blushed slightly knowing he just sent me a heart,i left his message hanging before getting another text.


Hey its Liam,we will be there in 10.

I changed his contact name to ,LiLi The Lion. I laughed with myself,knowing that if he were to see this then he would probally get mad.

Ten minutes past and i was waiting outside.I see a Range Rover appear,sliding into the parking lot.Knowing it was the boys,i got up from my spot on the bench and jogged toward the car.

Niall pushed the door open from where he was sitting and i hopped in.

"Hey guys, how was the signing?" I found myself asking.

"Fine,same old same old"Liam answered"How was seeing your friend?"

"It was okay,i guess.It didnt last long.She had...somewhere to be"I finished. He nodded in reply.Suddenly a comfortable silence fell upon us and i had to say... I hate it !!

"Guyssssssssss. Talk,NOW! Before i rip your tongue out and feed it to my pigeon!" I screamed.

"You have a pet pigeon too? Wow."Harry said.

"Whats its name?!"Louis startled me from the seat behind,just acknowleding his presense.

"Katrina" I said. I really did have a pet pigeon. I found it last year dieng on the ground and saved it but ended up gaving her to Mason as a birthday present.He wouldnt let me come to his party the next year though.

" I wonder if she'll hit it off with Kevin!?"Louis said,bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Question mark" I said aloud,not thinking.

"My bird" He said in a 'duh' tone.

Niall lent over and whispered in my ear "Its fake" I chuckled.

We got home around ten minutes later. I ran up the steps and knocked on the door.

"You relize were all out here and that noone will be able to open the door." Harry stated walking up behind me.

"I was making sure there was no ghosts.If the door would to spontaniously open,then your house is haunted.Were clear"I reassured them.They began to laugh.Then Liam took charge and opened the main doors. I slipped off my shoes and sat on the couch beside Harry and Liam.

It was now about three oclock and i was bored,even though we got home only 5 minutes ago.Unfourtunetly,for the boys,i was a whiner.

"Lili the Lion,Im bored!"I said getting on all fours and bouncing up and down on the couch.

"What did you call me?"He replied.

"LI LI THE LION"I screamed and 'aha'ed in his face before bolting up and running away from an angry Liam.

I ran behind Louis screaming'save me!'

"Captain Louis here!" He placed his hands on his side and struck a super hero pose.

"Yeah he even has a suit to prove it!"I added refurring to the onesie.

"Very threating"Liam said then sat back down on the couch.Since Liam was clearly annoyed with me i sat beside Louis.We put in a film called 'Love Actually'. Might i add,that it is very boring.

So boring, i felt myself drifting off. I snugled into my pillow and heard a chuckle.I looked up,forgetting that my pillow was actually Louis lap.Oh well.I re-snuggled and fell asleep thinking happy thoughts.


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