Chapter eighteen

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I walked into the airport with my Dora suitcase, feeling bad for the people going through security and working out flight details this early in the morning.

I walked over to a cold metal bench, across from the employees who were nearly asleep, handing tickets to a bunch of hyped up teenage girls who were likely on a first class jet to Paris, judging by the bureaus and squeals of excitement while some of the group flipped through a neatly folded pamphlet with the bold unmistakable, Eiffel Tower on it.

I plopped onto the bench, sitting my mini sized suitcase beside me. I slid my suitcase to the other side of the bench, laying down and using it as probably the most uncomfortable pillow I have ever laid on, considering the material wasn't fabric, it was hard and not to mention a solid cube. After about a minute or two my neck began to hurt so I repositioned myself sitting upright again and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through the twitter account that I haven't been on in ages, to see I had over two thousand new followers. I guess they saw the same article that the cab driver had seen.

I scrolled through some of my mentions to see some positive comments or other negative hate. (A/N i totally just made up these names)

DedicatedDirectioner: Louis what the hell? Have you gone mad? You could do so much better than her!"

LolHoran: Aww shes so pretty! You guys are too cut

Huntherdown:What kind of name is Asha?" #DiehardLashaHater

Comments and more exactly like these were posted under a picture a fan tagged me in. It was a picture dedicated to me and Louis date. I was helping him put on his helmet and he had a goofy smile on his face, but my back was turned slightly toward the camera so you could hardly see me. How are Directioners judging me on that picture!?That has to be the only one right? My profile picture is of me in the distance at the beach where the sun is setting. I’m so far away I don't think you can even identify if I'm a boy or girl!

These comments honestly didn’t offend me. I get it if they think I’m ugly, but why would I take opinion from a random person, sitting behind a computer screen, hating.

I looked back up from my phone to see the cluster of girls were leaving quite obnoxiously waving their tickets around. I forgot to print out my ticket! Crap!

I rolled my suitcase on the ground behind me as i walked closer to the desk to see that the only desk where the only agent awake was the one the girls had just left from. Probably wide awake from other there screeches and howls.

"Hello mam" I said as she directed her attention from the bejeweled desktop screen, to look at me with her dull green eyes.

"How may I help you today?” She asked trying not to sound too tired and to be polite. I don't blame her. I probably would've snapped at someone making me work at four o clock in the morning.

"I was running late and forgot to print off my ticket for the flight I’m taking later, in the afternoon” She gave me a weird look, likely questioning why i would make it to the airport 8 hours early when I was apparently 'running late'.

"Okay. What is your name, the flight destination and boarding time?” She said typing something into her computer, likely opening up the program before looking up at me for my response.

"Natasha Wishcot" She began typing all my answers into the computer, I’m assuming."Doncaster central airport, England. If I remember correctly it was twelve o’clock sharp” She looked unconvinced that i knew what I was talking about. Probably from my lack of enthusiasm.

Minutes later she pulled on her proud face, clicking a few more buttons. The rambunctious sound coming from the old dinosaur aged printer was very noisy, making some of the other receptionist’s stir in their sleep.

She placed the papers flat on the counters and pointed to a few blank lines with  telling me to sign with my name in the correct spots. After that she handed me what I assumed was my tickets and I thanked her, heading back to my spot on the bench. I sat there for a few minutes doing absolutely nothing but taking in the surroundings of the airport.

One thing I will never do is fall asleep in an airport. There are so many creepy people out now days.

 After just sitting there, in a bored manner my phone buzzed, signaling I had a text message. I grabbed my phone out of my small short pockets.

 I unlocked my phone and went through my new messages. Surprisingly I had two.

One was from Louis and the other was from Sylvie.

I opened up the text message from Louis, first. I don’t even know if i want to look at what Sylvie sent me.

From:Louis!  To:Asha

Asha im sorry.Where are you? Liam told me you went to the airport

From:Asha  To:Louis

Yeah.Im at the airport. Ill explain when or if I come back.

I decided I might as well open up the text from Sylvie before she freaks the freak out.

From:Sylvie  To:Asha

I need to talk to you.

From:Asha  To:Sylvie

About, what exactly?

From:Sylvie  To:Asha

I just wanted to say I’m sorry. For everything. I’ll talk to you when you come back.

What the hell does she want to talk about? Why is she apologizing now? If she 'feels sorry' why now? Why am I asking so many questions? My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar ping.

From:Louis  To:Asha

I’m on my way.


ou,Why is he coming for her?Does he finally believe her?You go get chyo gurrllll.

What about Sylvie. Why the heck is she texting her now.See i know.But you dont.HAHA.

Dont you love her suitcase.I know i do . And i totally didn't gain inspiration from my barbie suitcase.Nope.Definitely not.

Anyway. What did you guys think of this filler chapter?Its not long,but i thought yu deserved it.I just came back from blueberrie picking! WOOO.healthy.

Maybe just maybe...

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