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I backed away from my mom and dad as they tried to attack me .

In my nine year old mind I couldn't understand why they were trying to attack me though .

My daddy had hit me in my face making my tiny body hit the floor from the impact .

No one had ever hit me before or had been so much as mean to me so I didn't know why my mommy and daddy were .

I backed away from my daddy trying to get away from him so that he wouldn't hit me again .

" HELP ME !!!!!!! " I yelled out , hoping someone would hear me but I knew no one would , since we were in the deepest part of the woods that was forbidden by the alpha for anyone from the pack to go to .

Yes I'm a werewolf and so are my parents and my big brother , Isa .

" SHUT UP BELLIZE !!!!!! " My mommy screamed at me making me flinch away from her when she yelled at me .

My parents were going crazy I tell you .

My moms usual neat brown hair that would be tied in a bun was now a wild mess .

Her hair was sticking in all different directions looking like she had been rolling around on the ground .

My mom began rambling on about something under her breath to herself .

" We need to kill her before he comes for her . " My mom told my dad making me gasp .

I got up from on the ground and tried to run away to get away from them but my dad grabbed me by my hair making me cry out in pain .

" Well maybe if you hadn't been whoring around with that horrid thing we would be in this mess . " My dad snapped at my mom .

" How was I to know that he would ever come for her , he had a family of his own . " My mom yelled at him .

" So did you but that didn't seem to matter to you when you slept with him . " My dad yelled back at her .

I scratched at my dads hands trying to get him to let me go so that I could find some way to get away from them .

My mom kicked me in my stomach knocking the wind out of my lungs from the impact .

I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't catch it fast enough before my dad had brought his fist down and rammed it into my chest .

" I can't believe we decided to keep you around for this long , you're just a reminder of the person that your mother cheated on me with . " My dad said before he threw me into a tree .

I tried to cry out from the pain but nothing would come out .

I saw my moms foot come down and before I could even try and move away , her foot had hit me in my nose .

I put my hand to my nose and saw that my nose was broken .

I felt a kick to my back but my body was already in so much pain that what ever else that they were doing to me I couldn't feel .

My eyes were now starting to close shut from all of the punches and scratches that they were using their wolf claws to inflict on my face

I felt one final kick to my head before I had entered darkness .


After my mate and I were sure that the pain we inflicted on Bellize would kill her we left her lying in the deepest part of the woods barely breathing .

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