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I had just made it home from this party and I was hoping from all the pills in my system would keep me on this good ass high I was on for a while .

I walked through the door and saw that the TV was on and there was a girl that I had never seen before was laying asleep on the couch .

I walked over to the couch and shook her .

She jumped up out of her sleep and stared at me .

" Are you from the pack that's helping mine ? " I asked her since I remembered that the new pack had showed up earlier today .

She nodded her head making her purple hair move from in front of her eyes , showing off what had a to be a scar that went from the top of her left eye , over her eyelid and to her cheek .

" I like the ring around your neck , I use to have one just like it but I lost it . " She told me .

I looked down at the ring around my neck then looked back up at her .

" It was my mates . Its the only thing I have left of hers . " I said , sadness deep in my voice .

" I wish I knew where mine was , my mate had given me mine on my sixth birthday , he had " MINE FOREVER " engraved in it . " She told me .

I snapped my head back up at her when I had been staring at my necklace .

I looked at her in astonishment .

" You can't be . " I said under my breath .

I felt that at that very moment I was going to cry from hope .

A look of confusion came to her face .

" Bellize ? " I said in a whisper .

Shock came to her face and she stood up and put some distance between us .

" How do you know my real name ? I never told anyone in this pack my real name . " She asked me .

" It's me Michaelangelo . " I said .

She gasped and looked me over and tears began to well in her eyes .

" That means that if you live here then so does Isa and my parents . " She said , spitting out the word " parents " .

I backed away from her slightly when I saw her eyes turn bright red .

A roar escaped from her that shook the house .

She bent over and I heard her spine crack and a grunt came from her and then her other bones began to crack all at once and she let out one loud blood curdling scream before going quiet .

I could hear everyone running out of their rooms and downstairs .

One more scream came for her and then she was no longer in human form but now a snow white wolf .

" Bell . " I heard a man say making Bellize snap her head in his direction .

I could feel the power coming from him so I knew he was the alpha I heard my dad talking about .

" Turn back Bellize I want to talk to you . " I told her , taking off my shirt and offering it to her .

She grabbed the shirt with her mouth , changed back and quickly put on my shirt that hung on her body like a dress .

" Did he just call you Bellize ? " My dad asked her .

" That's my full name Mr. Elixx . " She told him .

Then her eyes turned bright red once again and she growled again , this time louder .

" Does Isa and our parents still live in the same house ? " She asked me .

" Yeah . " I answered .

She nodded her head and left the house , everybody else following after her seconds later .

We didn't see her when we walked outside so we continued making our way to Isa's house when I heard a woman scream and then the sound of glass breaking .











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