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I held my snout to the air trying to smell for any rabbits or deer that may be around so that I could eat but instead I smelt a strong scent of blood .

I followed the scent of blood , thinking maybe I would be lucky enough to have an animal that had been wounded badly so that I could eat .

I stopped walking and hid behind some trees when I saw a man and woman beating on a little girl who couldn't have been no older than ten years old .

I wanted to come out from where I was hiding and help the little girl but I could feel the power in the air , that iched at my skin .

The power was not the power of an alphas but the power was not as weak as a third in command so I'm betting that the man was a beta and the woman next to him was his mate .

I knew that if they knew I was on their territory , even if I knew that the alpha that this land forbid his pack members from coming this far into the woods .

I don't know how long I watched these people beat the little girl but when they finished I could hear that the little girl was still breathing but just barely .

I waited a minute to make sure that they weren't coming back before changing back human and slipping on the dress I had tied around my ankle and walked over to the little girl .

I had to keep the bile from coming up from the sight of the little girl .

Her face was so swollen whoever knew her wouldn't be able to recognize her .

There was a claw mark that went from the top of her left eye brow , over her eyelid and to her cheek .

The claw mark was so deep that I was sure it was going to leave a scar .

Some of her hair had been ripped out of her head making the bare spots that had no hair bleed .

She had so many wounds that I couldn't even tell you how many there were .

I ripped pieces of my dress and wrapped them around the wounds that were bleeding so much that I'm surprised that she hasn't died yet .

I picked her up and ran for the next territory that was two states away from this one .

I made sure not to move her around to much otherwise her wounds would bleed heavier than they already were .

I could feel her blood begin to soak through my dress ,making me run faster .

I pushed my legs so hard I could feel my legs began to burn from how hard I was pushing myself .

No more than thirty minutes later had I made it to the next territory .

I stopped and let out a howl to let the pack know that I was here .

I listened , waiting until I heard the pounding of paws running in my direction .

" Why are you in my territory rogue ? " The voice of an alpha bellowed in my head .

I flinched from the invasion of someone being in my head but answered him anyway .

" I mean no harm to you or your pack alpha , I just wanted the girl cared for , she's hurt . " I explained .

Four wolves came running out from the trees and surrounded me .

The alpha , who was about 10 feet tall with dark brown fur and hazel eyes .

The next I could tell was the beta from the power that was coming from him , not as strong as the alpha , but he stood a little over eight feet tall with dirty blond fur and light blue eyes .

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