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Stiles enjoyed the rare time that he got alone with Scott. Just walking, talking, and enjoying the comfort of each others voice. It was short lived, however, when they topped the ridge. Stiles spotted the line of officers and dogs searching. Before Scott could even begin to comprehend the situation, Stiles had taken off like a tiny bullet after them leaving behind a wheezing Scott.

Scott tried not to wince as he watched Stiles crawl up the ridge and sprint toward the search party. That was something that he loved to hate about Stiles. He didn't think about the consequences of his actions or his words. He just...did. Sometimes it was incredibly charming and sometimes it was incredibly annoying.

Stiles tried to get out of sight as quick as he could when he realized he was too close to the officers, but he heard a shout and twisted in his path, running another direction. He whipped his head around checking for the officer that yelped and ran straight into something rather solid.


A bright light shone in his eyes. Ah, fuck.

"So, where's your usual partner in crime?" Sheriff Stilinski stood with his hands on his hips.

"He's at home actually, resting up for the first day back at school." Sheriff Stilinski nodded, not believing for a second as he shone his flashlight into the woods, calling out for Scott who was discreetly hid behind a tree. He sighed and grabbed Stiles by the back of the neck, walking him back to his Jeep.

"We're going to have a little talk about privacy, Son"

Stiles sat in his car contemplating whether or not he should continue to wait for Scott. Twenty minutes had already passed and Scott still hadn't emerged from the woods even though it was pouring down. He sighed and backed out of the driveway to the reserve. Scott probably already caught a ride with someone else. He sent a quick text to him saying he was leaving...just in case.

Still, he couldn't stop worrying about his weak, asthmatic best friend. He could still be walking around aimlessly in the woods by himself. What if he dropped his inhaler and started having an asthma attack? What if the killer was still out there and found Scott? If anything happened to Scott it would be all Stiles' fault. He put him in a world of danger by being the curious idiot that he was.

"Oh God." Stiles' chest heaved up and down, his breathing became shallow as he gasped for air that wasn't there. The Jeep suddenly became suffocatingly small. His heart was beating erratically, all of his dark thoughts ran wild. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to Scott. Scott was his best friend, his brother, he was the only one that made Stiles feel like he mattered.

"Fuck." He clenched his fist, holding it against his chest. "Shut up Stiles. He's fine you idiot." He shook his head hard trying to clear it to no avail.

Frustrated, he opened the glove compartment and grabbed his spare bottle of Aderral. The bottle specifically said he shouldn't take more than the recommended amount, but he just needed something.

He opened the lid and popped two extra pills. Part of him hoped he could make it home before they went into effect, but the other part wished he would wrap his Jeep around a tree, the medics blaming it on the heavy rainfall.

On the Other Side • ScilesWhere stories live. Discover now