William Kennedy

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A/N: Yes this is still Sciles. Just bear with me on the storyline.


"Hey, Stiles."

"Holy shit. Dad! Did you know about this?" Stiles' head whipped around to look at his grinning father. The first time in a while that he had looked genuinely happy, he noted.

"I did. His parents are away on another business trip to some weird foreign country-"

"Guatemala." Will corrected.

"Right. They asked if he could stay here and attend Beacon Hills. I didn't figure you'd exactly mind." He smirked as he saw the look of sheer joy on his sons face.

William Kennedy and Stiles had been best friends for as long as he could remember, even longer than he and Scott. They met in the first grade when John and his adopted sister Nina had decided to get together for the first time in 8 years since she and her husband were always away on these long, elaborate business trips. Her husband, Alan, works for a travel magazine and she is a fine arts major who passionately studies architecture. Will was having to change schools frequently and for a child it was hard on him. He had to leave every friend he had ever made or would ever make until John suggested that William stay with his family while they were away.

William would stay off and on with the Stilinski family until the sixth grade, the year his mother died and he met Scott. Will's parents decided to take a break from the travel life and settle down in Utah the same year. Stiles and Will had kept in touch off and on over the years mostly with emails, but it was never the same. They both had their own lives to attend to and eventually the emails stopped altogether.

Every now and then Stiles would remember (and deeply miss) all the things they used to do. He remembered all the times they would crawl into each others beds because of storms and nightmares. He remembered all the times they would stay up all night watching movies and talking about their dreams and all the times that he truly felt happy and important. He remembered how much he really cared about William.

His best friend was here...right here in front of him. It wasn't a dream or wishful thinking even, it was real. William Kennedy was standing in the doorway in his full glory staring down at Stiles with his glistening blue eyes and running a hand through his sandy, brown hair. He smiled and it was like all the air was sucked out of Stiles' lungs and his heart threatened to leap out of his chest.

"Well...can I come in?" Will scratched the back of his head sheepishly and Stiles was jealous of how easy the boy-next-door look came to him.

"Uh..yeah. Heck yeah." Stiles moved to embrace the boy for a moment and when he tried to pull away to rid of the awkwardness, Will pulled him back. He smelt of sandalwood and vanilla, it was a smell almost as warm as he. When Will had finally let go, Stiles moved out of the way and his dad left for work leaving the two alone in the kitchen.

"So when do you start school?" Stiles tried to calm his raging heart and the butterflies in his stomach.

"I don't start until tomorrow." Will sat across from Stiles and picked up a spare pancake. Stiles watched as the boy opened his mouth and took a bite, his eyes followed his lips wherever they went and he found himself fighting the urge to lick his own.

"That's great! I'll stay home today and we can get you all situated and whatnot." Stiles offered as he tapped his fingers nervously on his leg.

"You sure? I don't want to like inconvenience you or anything..." Will looked at Stiles and it took all of his willpower not to jump up and hug the boy until he died.

"I'd be more than happy."


Stiles' phone rang at approximately 9:15 p.m and he could guess who it was before he even checked the called ID.

"Where were you today?" Scott's voice floated from the phone and into Stiles' ears, earning a smile from the boy.

"My cousin, well not really cousin, but sort of cousin is staying with us for a while and I wanted to help him settle in." Stiles rambled for a few moments, trying to spark up the memory of him in Scott from the various tales Stiles had told him over the years.

"Well, Lydia's having a party Saturday night. You could bring him?" Scott suggested.

"Yeah definitely. I'd love everyone to meet him, he's really great. I'm calling it a night, it's been a long day. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Uh..yeah, yeah. See you tomorrow." Stiles had almost missed what sounded like jealousy in Scott's voice. He felt a twinge of sadness, but it disappeared when he heard Will singing in the room down the hall.

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