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A/N: yes this is a Sciles book, yes I am getting to the Sciles part, just bear with the storyline...

"Yeah...I was wondering how long it would take you to recognize it." Will sat on the edge of the bed as he watched Stiles wander around the room, inspecting the remnants of what used to be. "I should have asked first, but I wanted to come back and see the place. I just didn't want to come alone."

"Yeah man, of course." Stiles murmured as he sat down on the bed beside Will. Memories ran through his mind faster than he could keep up. Being in William's house again felt like being in a half-forgotten dream. The longer he remained in the room, the more vivid and clear the dream became. Memories swirled around him as bright as a color print.

"It's really easy to picture the way things used to be when we're here." Will whispered as he re-positioned himself on the bed so that he was laying flat, staring up at the ceiling. Stiles moved to lay beside him, the glow-in-the-dark stars that covered the room had never seemed so beautiful. He hummed in agreement.

"I was over here a lot when we were younger." Stiles drifted into his thoughts, narrating them out loud. "Whenever I needed a place to hide, you knew. I never once felt unwelcome, it was a safe-haven when the storm invaded my house. School was hell. Home was hell. I was never stable, but you were. You were always there for me...I've always admired you for how confident and how there you are." William listened to Stiles intently, his eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks as he stared at the troubled boy before he spoke.

"I like that that's what you think of when you think back to us. When I think back to when we were kids...I just think about you. You were so shy and uncomfortable back then, always so unsure of yourself. Your cheeks were always flushed when you were excited and your hair always bounced when you ran. I knew from the moment I met you that you were special, Stiles. All that softness from being a child is almost gone though. There's something hard behind your eyes that wasn't there before. You've seen a lot, you've been through a lot since I've been gone..." Will was turned on his side now, completely facing Stiles. "A little bit of softness is still there though...right here-," He touched the little dent above Stiles' lips, "That little curve in your smile hasn't changed at all."

Stiles turned on his side, their faces only centimeters away. Will's eyes were filled with a kind of passion of which he had never seen before. "What happened to you Stiles?"

"What happened to me...? What happened was that you moved away. I found a new friend and he's great, like really great. Scott was like you, everything I could ever imagine, but lately everything is different. Everything hurts. It feels like the world around me is moving so fast, but I'm stuck quick sand or something. It's like I'm standing on the brink of something that I can't even begin to describe." He scoffed, "There's this giant, black shadow that follows me everywhere I go and it consumes me. It makes me feel worthless and vile. It's like this voice that tells me I'm not wanted, that I deserve to feel pain."

Will remained quiet and contemplative as Stiles continued. He only moved to drape his arm across Stiles' hip, causing his skin to set ablaze.

"I fucked up. Hell, I am fucked up. I've done so much stupid shit that if you knew, you'd run far away. I hate feeling like I'm not important or wanted, but I can't blame anyone for staying away from me. I would too if I could. " Stiles tried his best to advert his gaze, unsure of why he was spilling all of this stupid crap to him.

Unexpectedly, Will's arm tightened around him and pulled him closer. Stiles inhaled sharply. He was against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? William began nuzzling his neck with soft kisses. So faint, they were almost whispers. Stiles' limp body began to tremble. His head was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to Will's. Their breaths mingled. Stiles' heart fluttered inside his chest. At first, it was a delicate, subtle kiss, but Will pulled away. Stiles felt the raging desire in the pit of his stomach, he half-expected Will to apologize and say it was a mistake, but Will's lips slammed against his again.

It nearly knocked the wind out of Stiles' lungs. The kiss had obliterated every thought that was plaguing him. For the first time in a long time, his mind was in the present. Drunk on desire, Stiles pressed his tongue to the seam of Will's lips and with immediate access began to delve inside his mouth. He put his legs on both sides of Stiles' waist, hovering over him. Stiles arched his back, pressing his chest against Will's, emitting a low, guttural groan.

Everything about this moment was perfect: the old house, the silence, the comforting blanket of darkness, the feeling of being wanted, and William Kennedy himself. It was all so breathtaking...but a little nagging thought kept gnawing at him from the deepest parts of himself, Stiles really wished he was here with Scott.

On the Other Side • ScilesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat