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Something was wrong.

Something was very, very wrong.

What kind of person didn't have a heartbeat?

What the hell was he?

Scott had never heard of a creature without a heartbeat, other than a zombie of course, but William didn't look like a zombie. He looked quite the opposite actually. His skin was bronzed and seemingly luminescent. His eyes were large and fringed with sweeping eyelashes. He was charming and alluring. He was Apollo incarnate.

It had been a week since Scott realized that Will was part of the supernatural world. It had been one super awkward week. Scott tried with everything he had to get Stiles back, but it proved to be more difficult than he had imagined. Scott had never felt so terrified in his life because something indeed was very wrong, he just couldn't prove it. There was something off about William and with the way Stiles looked, it was pretty much confirmed. He was beginning to lose that innocent, youthful appearance he had so long had. His cheekbones stuck out a little more prominent, his dark circles weren't just "dark" they were turning a sickening yellow. At first, Scott thought that he was getting sick, but as the week dragged on, he had shown no signs of physical illness.

"Hey Stiles, can we talk for a second?" Scott approached the tawny brunette boy at his locker, completely ignoring his ever-present side-kick.

"Yeah man of-"

"Actually, that probably isn't such a good idea. Stiles really isn't feeling that great right now." Will put his hand up, immediately cutting Stiles off and immediately pissing Scott off. They've been together for a week and he acts like he owns him now? Scott was seconds from rudely interjecting, but Stiles spoke first.

"Will, Scott's my best friend. If he wants to talk to me, he can talk to me. I don't give a shit if I'm dying." Stiles shrugged Will's hand off of his shoulder and a rush of pride flooded through Scott. He walked with Stiles a few lockers away with his back toward the asshole.

"Stiles, is everything okay? I'm really worried about you."

"Yeah everything is fine. Why?" Stiles' eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Have you seen yourself...?" Scott's voice dropped to a whisper as he raised his hand to touch Stiles' sunken cheek. Scott brushed his fingers down the boy's face and something fluttered in his stomach. It was a bizarre sensation, but not unpleasant. His fingers tingled wherever their skin touched and his chest felt like it was going to explode. He removed his hand when he realized what he was doing.

"Scott, I'm okay. I just haven't slept well. Plus, you've got Allison to worry about. So you should get on that." Stiles moved to walk away, but Scott grabbed him by the arm.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Stiles hesitated for a minute, but something in him seemed to snap, "Seriously? You don't even give a shit so quit pretending. All you ever want to do is suck your girlfriend's fucking face. Ever since you got bit and got a girlfriend, I have been completely alone. I'm sorry I'm not super cool and super sexy like you are, but some of us are just ordinary humans. So you can stop pretending like you give a damn because I know you don't. Yes, I'm sick. Sick of you, sick of life, sick of myself, sick of everything."

Scott dropped his hand from the boy's arm and his mouth fell agape. He watched Stiles walk away with a smirking Will and it felt like his heart had been ripped straight out of his chest. Scott was sure his heart had stopped beating in that moment, he hadn't felt a pain like this in a long time. Stiles meant everything to him, how could he not think that Scott cared? Stiles was his best friend...he was his brother. Scott loved could Stiles say something like that? Maybe Scott was a little busy lately, but he still texted and called him.

Then it hit him. He really was a shitty friend. He was always busy and it was never with Stiles, but Scott didn't think that it would hurt him. Scott knew that he was dealing with a lot of demons in his head, but he thought he was helping him. He thought he was keeping him away from all the stress and all the drama. God, he was such an idiot.

"Well atleast he thinks you're super sexy." He heard Lydia's retreating voice. She always appeared in the worst times.



Whoever can guess what supernatural creature Will is gets a chapter dedicated to them lol.

Sorry this was so short and awful. I've been super busy with school, I've had ACT, Literary Rally, and a 5 page essay due.

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