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A/N: Sorry I havent updated in so long, updates will be so much faster after May I will have graduated and have tons of free time hopefully lol. So to make up for the slow update, I decided to make this chapter in Will's point of view. Its about to go down soon so stay tuned and keep guessing what type of creature Will is. Sorry this is such a short chapter!


"Hey Stiles...I don't really know what to say, I think I've said it all in my other messages. Just please call me back, okay? I'm sorry. I screwed up, but best friends always forgive each other right?" Will smirked as he pressed delete on the latest voicemail left on Stiles' phone.

Stiles was fast asleep on his bed and hadn't moved an inch when his phone rang again. That was the 27th time that Scott had called and the breaking point of Will's patience. Scott was really starting to piss him off, he needed to learn when to back off. He was blinded by the rage that was building inside of him, Stiles was his and some stupid little mutt was not about to ruin that.

Will picked up the phone and dialed Scott's number. It only rang twice before someone answered.

"Stiles? Dude I've been worried sick-"

"This is Will. I want to talk, McCall. Meet me in the library in 10."


"What did you want to talk about?" Scott sat down across from Will at one of the vacant tables, his voice cautious and unsteady.

"You need to back off." Will snarled as he stared at the boy with hard eyes that never blinked. "Stiles is mine and you need to get the hint. He doesn't want to speak to you or see you. Leave. Him. Alone. I won't tell you again."

Scott stayed silent for a minute, trying his hardest to keep the peace, but it proved more difficult than he could imagine. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You can't just show up out of nowhere and just take my best friend from me. You aren't his fucking dad."

"He was my best friend first, I hold more claim than you."

"Claim? I don't want to 'claim' him. Stiles is my best friend and I would never treat him like a dog." Scott's fist were clenched tight in his lap.

"Love him? Oh you don't love him, you want to use to him. He's the guy you always fall back on when you have no one else." Will leaned back in his chair, he could see the anger boiling up inside the wolf's eyes.

"I know what you are."

"Really? Well then, if you know what I am then why are you still staying up all night researching supernatural beings? I would assume it's for fun, but I know better. You know nothing and you are nothing, McCall. If you don't back off now, blood will be spilled and people will get hurt. I'm stronger than you could ever imagine. Stand down, mongrel." Scott watched as Will's eyes morphed into a horrifying black abyss and his tongue, resembling a serpent's, flicked from between his lips.

With a smirk, Will turned on his heel and left through the door he entered. He won the battle, now he just has to win the war...

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