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Scott glared over at the boy that was sat stationary next to his best friend. William was happy and good right down to his soul. He had no mannerisms that showed damage or danger of any kind; he was perfection right down to his micro-particles. Scott hated his perfectly quiffed hair and gorgeous eyes.  His high cheekbones and dimples disgusted the boy. Scott hated all of him with a passion. Will's presence was like a fly that couldn't be swatted away.

The feeling of jealousy was slowly growing in his chest, making his blood thick with anger. It made his eyes steely and hard and turned his mouth into a straight line that lacked amusement. It was like an itch that he couldn't scratch. What did Will have that Scott didn't have? It must be something awesome to make Stiles dump him like he was nothing. Why would-

"Scott?" Stiles' voice broke through the endless void of his thoughts.

"Hm?" He only grunted in response. The anger rising up in his chest prevented him from forming full, coherent sentences.

"Are you okay?" When Scott shrugged in response, Stiles kept talking, "Will and I were going to go out for curly fries later. You in?" God, he was so oblivious that it almost made Scott feel bad for the attitude he was giving him. Almost.

"No thanks." The bell rang and Scott threw his bag over his shoulder, sauntering out of the room before Stiles could speak again. Why the hell would he want to hang out with those two? He wanted to be with Stiles, not William-fucking-Kennedy. Who even was that kid? Everyone treated him like some kind of God that rolled up to Beacon Hills in a super expensive, super obnoxious, brand-new, midnight black Mercedes. Girls drooled over him everywhere he went. He had straight A's. He played lacrosse, basketball, and volleyball in which he was the captain of all three at his old school or so he claimed. He even volunteered at soup kitchens. Fuck that guy.

Stiles and William walked past him and he heard Will spoke. As soon as he heard him say Stiles' name something budged inside of him. He wasn't sure what it was, because he was happy for him. He was truly and sincerely happy for him, but other parts of him felt differently. Throughout the day it started off as a small trickle that puddled into something bigger. Each time he saw them together, the floodgates opened just a bit wider and his chest tightened just a little bit more. He wasn't supposed to feel this way.

And he wasn't the only one that noticed it.

"Be careful, Scott. Your jealousy is showing." Lydia smirked as she flipped her wild strawberry hair over her shoulder.

"I'm not jealous." Scott snorted, scowling at the poor girl.

"Mhm yeah, you're not jealous and I'm not beautiful. Anyway, Stiles invited everyone for curly fries. Allison is going, so you're going."

"Greaaat. Thanks."


Everyone sat a large booth in the corner of this old diner that was tucked away near the Beacon Hills Reserve. It was usually frequented by forest rangers, travelers, and hikers, but tonight it was filled with the chorus of Beacon Hills' finest high-schoolers. Lydia was curled into Jackson as she spoke excitedly to Allison, who was seated beside Scott. Stiles and William were enveloped in each other as they shared private whispers and stares. Scott was staring at the tabletop as he tried to control his raging emotions.

"So Stiles, you and William, huh?" Jackson broke the silence.

", no we're just friends." Stiles glanced up at William, his eyelashes fluttered lightly against his blistering hot cheeks. Scott could smell the pheromones boiling out of the boy's skin and it gave him instantly away. The air was swirling with the scent of arousal, annoyance, joy,  Scott had nothing better to do so he decided to try to determine which scent was coming from who.

Jackson was annoyed, that one was easy enough. Love and joy was a little harder. It was coming from almost everyone at the table. It came from Lydia and Allison and it practically oozed out of Stiles' every pore. The smell of love wasn't coming from William though, there was no love. That struck Scott as a little odd. It was obvious that they were a couple especially by the way their fingers were intertwined discreetly under the table. Will's eyes were filled with passion and happiness, but his body didn't reflect that. His heart wasn't racing as a new couple's would either...then with a shock Scott came to a disturbing realization. He cursed himself for not realizing it earlier.

William's heart wasn't beating at all.

On the Other Side • ScilesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ