Chapter 11: Brother

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omg I'm back!!!! Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in forever! Let me know down in the comments if you want me to continue this story! I appreciate all of the lovely comments and I apologize for not doing any dedications. Still looking for a cover though! Enjoy this chapter!! xoxo your favorite author ;)

"Newt I'm telling the truth I swear! I only recognize his name from my dream but the kid can't look less familiar!" I said, desperately trying to keep my voice down.

"Look Casey, we have to talk to Alby and the keepers about this. We've never had someone remember something like this from their past life, without them going through the changing." Newt said. He ran his hands through his hair, obviously stressing over the concept.

"Newt please don't tell them! Some of them already hate me. Can't we just keep this quiet? Just until I remember more?" I begged.

If anyone of the other Gladers found out chuck was my brother, they would all turn against me. Even though it felt like none of the guys really liked me anyways.

"Fine," Newt gave in. "but just until you remember more and then you'll have to tell them. Good that?"

"Yes, yes of course. Thank you Newt!"

I embraced him. I didn't think he was actually going to give in but thank god he did.

In the midst of me awkwardly hugging Newt, the door of the homestead swung open. I jumped back from Newt immediately.

"Oh uhm, am I- wait am I interrupting something?" Minho asked wide eyed.

"Oh no, no no no. I was just thanking Newt for... uhm..." I stumbled over my excuse. I hated lying but there was no way that I was telling Minho what was really happening.

"She was thanking me for helping her carry the rest of the supplies in here." Newt finished without missing a beat.

"Well I better head out shanks. See ya later." He added and quickly walked out.

Minho stared at me. His eyes were narrowed and his head was cocked slightly to the left. Luckily he didn't push it and just began telling stories about him and his "perfect abs."

"One time I was in a fight and the poor guy tried punching me in the stomach but my abs were so rock hard he broke three of his knuckles!"

I burst out laughing. "Now that was one interesting story there Minho."

"So you're saying you don't believe me?" Minho stuck out his lip and made sad eyes. "I guess I'll have to prove it to you."

I didn't have time to say another word because in 0.3 seconds Minho pulled his shirt right off. I tried not to stare but dang. Minho was a very handsome guy but his muscles were just insane. I wanted so badly to reach out and touch his abs. He is so-

"Hello? Casey? I know I'm the hottest guy here but you don't have to stare all day." Minho smirked.

My face heated up. "I- I wasn't staring, I was just thinking about looking out how small your biceps were." I tried to play it off as smoothly as possible but I don't think I convinced Minho.

"Right because my biceps are so small." Minho rolled his eyes and flexed his arms.

I rolled my eyes. I waved to Minho and walked out of the homestead. My eyes searched for Chuck. I wanted to see him up close and talk to him. That might trigger some memories right?

I finally spotted him sitting in the grass at the far end of the Glade. I jogged over and sat down next to him. I smiled and said, "Hi Chuck! How's your first day going?"

Chuck jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. He looked as if he had been crying for hours. I had obviously interrupted some much-needed alone time.

"Ho-how do you know my name?" He slowly asked.

oops, maybe I came on a little strong for his first day

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