Chapter 15: Secrets Spilled Pt. 1

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"Are you kidding me, Minho!?" I screamed.

"Casey, you need to cool off." Minho said.


"Why do you really care so much about this Chuck kid anyways. Do you remember something?" Minho asked.

"I uhm n-"

"Just tell me, Casey." He interrupted again.

I swallowed hard. My eyes looked everywhere but at Minho. We were sitting in the deadheads, under this one huge tree. We were far away from the other Gladers so there is no chance any one could hear what we were saying.

"I have dreams." I mumbled slowly, "but they're more like memories." I explained to him every dream, including the one where I was repeatedly told to burn the map room.

Once I'd finished Minho sat there in silence for a few minutes before finally asking, "Who else knows?"


"You told newt before you told me?" Minho asked, clearly jealous.

I didn't answer I just stared at him, studying the pained expression on his face. Minho got up and began walking away but I jumped and chased after him."Minho, where are you going? I'm sorry okay? I didn't know you would get upset!"

"You didn't know I'd get upset? You lied to me multiple times, Newt knows, and you didn't tell Alby."

It took me a moment before I realized what he was doing. "No. Minho please. Please don't tell Alby. Newt and I will be in so much trouble."

"Exactly." He grunted

Tears began to stream down my face. I begged and begged him but he didn't listen. Newt ran up asking what was going on but Minho and I both ignored him. Minho marched straight toward Alby and said, "We need to have a gathering, now."

"Why? What's going on?" Alby asked alarmed.

"Why don't you tell him, Casey?"

I glanced at Newt, before squeezing my eyes shut in frustration.


They decided upon three days in the slammer and made me swear to tell them every dream I have. They let Gally free so I could enjoy the complete solitude.

Minho locked the slammer door without even looking my way.

"Minho." All I wanted was a glance or a few seconds of eye contact but he didn't flinch. "Look at me." I demanded my voice rising. He turned to leave so I said one last word, hoping to get his attention, "Coward."

He spun around. "What did you say?"

"I said you're a coward."

He walked closer and squatted in front of the slammer. "Is that really what you think of me?"

"Yes." I growled.

For two days I didn't eat the food the brought me. I would knock it out of their hands or their it on the ground. I was really starting to frustrate them. Alby lectured and yelled at me, Newt pleaded and begged to me, and Minho never visited.

A shadow castes over the floor of the slammer. I jumped up ready to throw some food or argue but to me surprise my visited was Chuck.

Before I could speak or even react, he blurted, "They said you were my sister."

"Uh yeah, I am. Or at least I think I am." I offered him a small smile.

I smiled back and we sat there in an awkward silence for a few moments before Chuck blurted again, "What do you think our parents were like?"

The question stabbed into me like I knife. I had never thought about that before. Chuck and I talked for hours eventually Chuck got tired and went off to bed. I sat there staring off into the sky. I didn't even flinch when Gally stalked up to the slammer door.

"Oh yay. Gally is here. He's come to rape me and then kill me. That's just fantastic." I grumbled.

Gally narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say anything. He was attempting to pick the lock on the slammer door. I swallowed and found the courage to speak up, "Just leave me alone okay."

"See here's the thing, I don't want to leave you alone. So I'm not going to."

"Gally please." The confidence I once had, was suddenly completely lost.


Gally and I both jumped. Minho ran up to him and punched across the face.

"Stay away from her." Minho snarled giving Gally a small shove. Gally backed off and disappeared into the darkness. Minho looked at me. We locked eyes for a long time. Finally he looked down at the lock on th slammer door and pulled out his keys. He helped me out of the slammer. He held a tight grip on my arm as he drug me towards the homestead. The he drug me straight into his room.

His room.


Not mine, but his.


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