Chapter 14: disobeying

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I stared at the maze wall, impatiently waiting for the malls to open. I ran my fingers through my hair and bounced on my heels.

Be calm Casey. You are strong. You are brave. I told myself.

"If you stare at that wall any longer, lasers are going to shoot out of your eyes and slice it open." Newt smirked.

"Slim it." I mumbled.

The walls began to shake and slowly open. The backpack on my shoulders suddenly weighed a hundred pounds. I took a few steps back and bumped into Minho.

"Nervous there shank?" He grinned.

"No, I'm not nervous at all."

"Right okay and I have no abs."

I glared at him. He was still so cute even when he was being annoying.

"Alright," Minho said making me jump a little. "Let's go."

Minho took off and I chased down after him. He was a lot faster than I expected. I struggled keeping up with him. He would glance back every now and then, to check and see if I was keeping up. After what felt like years of running. We stopped for lunch. Minho ate his sandwich without saying a word. He just stared deeply at me. I tried to divert my eyes but I just couldn't quit looking at him.

"So," Minho drawled. "you and Newt seem pretty close."

"Oh yeah. He's uh helped me adjust and he's a really good friend."

Minho grunted.

I gave him a funny look before asking, "What is the grunting about?"

"Never mind."

I furrowed my eyebrows but said nothing nonetheless. We finished eating and ran the rest of the way back to the Maze. Newt was waiting at the entrance of the Maze. As soon as he saw us his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Christmas tree? Where did that memory come from?

"Casey!" Newt exclaimed running up and hugging me.

Before Newt and I had any chance to talk Minho barked, "We don't have all day to give out free hugs, so Casey if you will please follow me so you can finish your day of work."

I shrugged at Newt and followed Minho into the map room. Minho showed me the basics and left once he had finished. I was in the room I was supposed to destroy alone. I gulped. I couldn't do it. Minho would be devastated. But not just Minho, all the runners had been working for two years trying to find a way out. If I burnt this map room, that would ensure at least another two years. I finished my mapping and quickly left the map room before I did too much thinking.

As soon as I did I heard commotion coming from the picnic tables. Alby and Minho were dragging a yelling Galley to the slammer. I quickly ran to Newt who was helping the Med-Jacks carry someone away to the homestead.

As I got closer to Newt, I recognized who they were carrying. It was Chuck. "What happened!? What happened!? What happened!?" I screamed but no one answered. My eyes filled up with tears and the Gladers gave me confused looks.

Right. They don't know Chuck is my brother.

I played it off by saying, "he's the youngest one here & he's only been here for a few weeks!" I didn't care if the believed me or not, I sprinted to homestead and flung open the door.

Newt blocked the doorway. "Now isn't the time Casey. We need to talk."

"What? No. Let me-"

"Have you been having more dreams?" He interrupted.

"Well uhm, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is me seeing Chuck."

"Tell me about the dreams first, Casey."

"Newt they promised me the wouldn't hurt him, as long as I did what they said and I didn't do what they sound and now Chuck's hurt and now-"

"Wait a minute who the bloody hell are they? And what did they tell you to do?"

"The creators and they erm... well they told me to destroy the map room."

"What!? Why?"

"So that the Gladers won't trust girls."

My eyes widened. As soon as my mouth had opened I realized that I shouldn't have said that. I had just exposed Wicked's plans. What were they going to do to Chuck now? Kill him? No. I wouldn't let them get away with that.

"Erm, Casey? Are you okay?" Newt asked.

I turned away without answering and sprinted away. I headed straight toward the slammer.

"Woah there Casey. Where are you going?" Alby asked with a concerned face.

I ignored him and kept running. I had almost reached the slammer when someone grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me Alby!" I cried frustratedly.

"Well I could let go of you, but I'm not Alby." Minho said.

"Minho let me talk to Gally so I can find out what he did to Chuck." I pleaded.

"You don't have to talk to Gally to figure that one out, I was standing right there when he did it."

"Did what? What did he do to him."

"Calm down Casey. Why are you so worried about him anyways?"

"Well- I... because he's the youngest shank here and he's scared and then he gets beaten up or somethings. I can't imagine how he feels."

"Right." Minho said slowly. He studied me for a moment before continuing, " Well we were all sitting there enjoying out stew, trying to have a normal shucking day bug the Gally started yelling at Chuck. He was saying something about Chuck being a little baby and that he would not survive another day. I thought he just meant that he would not survive a day in the maze but he literally meant that he was going to kill him. Then Gally pulled a machete out of no where and stabbed Chuck in the leg. Gally acted so weird about it. He did it with no emotion, like something just came over him."

Anger rushed over me. I ran towards the slammer but Minho caught up with me again. He picked me up and carried me off. I screamed and shouted for him to out me down but he didn't listen. He just kept walking towards the deadheads. 

What a shucking slint head.

A/N well surprising I updated. Wasn't sure if I should because no ones really fanning and commenting but thanks to @divergentmaze

P.S. Enjoy the new cover! I made it myself :)

xoxo your favorite author

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