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*One week later*

(Luke's POV)
I don't know what's up with Mikey, all week through recording he kept zoning out. It's was like he was turning into a scientist, he had to take in everything that nature was doing, to be honest, it was kinda creepy. I asked if anything was on his mind that he might want to discuss or talk to someone about but he just said no. Typical Michael. I'm just hoping he doesn't keep doing it because we really need to finish off this album by the end of the month.

(Jessie's POV)
SCHOOL HAS FINISHED, I AM FINALLY FREE!! I never knew not having to lug around the weight of school on your shoulders felt so awesome. I didn't fail my final exams, my parents were kind of pleased with that ( for once ) and I'm going out to celebrate with Marina, Hayley and a few of our other friends at the club tonight. I'm really excited. I needed to go shopping to find a new dress to wear out tonight so I took myself on a shopping trip. It would also take my mind off my parents and their drama.

As I was walking down the hallway of the mall I spotted this beautiful black tight fit dress. It looked absolutely gorgeous. I got snapped out of my dress-dreaming when a guy with slightly spiked black hair and beautiful green eyes came up to me. "I bet that would look stunning on you" he stated "Oh thanks, little bit out of my price range though unfortunately" I chuckled

"I'm Michael Clifford I'm in a band, 5 Seconds of Summer"

"Nice to meet you Michael I'm Jessie. I knew I'd seen your face somewhere before"

"You got anyone with you or you alone?" He asked.

I replied "Alone. I just came to the mall for a dress for my end of school party and to get away from my parents for a while"

(Michael's POV)
"Alone. I just came to the mall for a dress for my end of school party and too get away from my parents for a while" she replied.

"Nice, we all need a break from our parents every now and then" I said back while laughing a little.

"I feel like I need to be away from my parents all the time." She stated. Why do I feel like there's more too this girl than just a pretty face.

"Why don't you take a break from shopping for a while, wanna grab a coffee?" I asked her, hoping for a yes.

"Yeah sure, I'd love too" She replied and we started walking towards Starbucks.

(Jessie's POV)
There's an awkward silence while we walk slowly to Starbucks. Michael suddenly starts to speak.

"So how come you need getaway from your parents? You don't have to tell em if its too personal" he asked me. The expression on his face looked like he didn't want me to take him the wrong way, which I didn't.

"No no its fine. You seem like a nice enough guy" I reassured him.

"Its just that my parents are constantly fighting and telling me off. It gets a little too much sometimes"

"You don't... you know, hurt yourself in anyway do you?" he asked me with a worrying tone in his voice

"Not anymore no, I used to but people found out and turned against me so I stopped because I didn't want to lose any friends, not that I have many friends anyways."

(Michael's POV)
I feel like I've known Jessie for ages. In this short coffee break we've taken together I've learnt a lot about her.

"Would you consider me a friend?" I asked her. I would really like to be her friend. I don't know why I do but she seems like she needs a friend to always be there when she's feeling down.

"I've gotten to know you now, so I consider you a friend yeah" She said back to me slightly laughing.

The moment she said those words a felt a whole weight fall off my shoulders. I think I might be falling for this girl. I fell into a daydream about the possible future I could have with Jessie if everything goes as I'm hoping. Little did I know I was stating right at her.

"Hey Mikey? Hello? Dude your staring at me, kinda creepy"

"Huh what oh I'm sorry I'm not a creep I swear I was just think about us... umm... being friends and stuff. I think it'd be awesome" I said a little startled as she snapped me back into reality.

Nice save Mike, nice save... I think.

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